What does Rocky say when Mickey dies?

What does Rocky say when Mickey dies?

I love you, kid

What does Mickey say to Rocky?

As the girls disgruntledly walk away, Mickey turns to Rocky and tells him, “You lay off that pet shop dame,” (referring to Adrian, of course) following up with one of the most hilarious lines of the movie, “Women weaken legs.”

Did Clubber Lang kill Mickey?

He knew he lost Mickey forever. The film needed the pathos of Mickey’s dying to first depress Rocky, and then to “inspire” him into eventually beating Clubber Lang. Essentially, Mickey was sacrificed to make Rocky a “better” person.

What’s wrong with Adonis Creed’s baby?

Bianca gives birth to a baby girl named Amara Creed, but it is discovered that Amara is born deaf due to Bianca’s progressive degenerative hearing disorder being hereditary. Bianca sings during Adonis opening to the ring and embraces him after he win. She is last seen with Adonis and Amara at Apollo’s grave.

What does Ivan Drago say to his son?

“It’s such a classic line, but we couldn’t have Drago say , ‘I must break you. Again,’ ” says Caple. After trying many variations, it landed with Drago telling Rocky: “My son will break your boy.” Drago also shoves Viktor’s mouthguard into his jaws to push him during the Adonis fight, saying , “You must break him.”

What happens to Drago after creed2?

Creed survives, but his pride doesn’t. Patched up the hospital he learns that Drago’s final, illegal punch disqualified him. The shame never goes away, though, and when the Russian demands a rematch (this time on his home turf), Michael B. Jordan’s prideful boxer can’t say no.

What did Ivo Drago say to Adoni at weigh in?

During the weigh-in for the 1st Drago-Creed fight, Ivan Drago tells Adonis that ‘You aren’t as big as your father’. Carl Weathers is listed at 6’1″ while Michael B. Jordan is listed at 6′. First film in the franchise where a character (Adonis) wins a fight by disqualification.

How did Drago kill Creed?

During the match, Drago gets the upper hand, but Creed pleads with Rocky to not throw in the towel “no matter what.” Because Rocky honors this request, Drago beats Apollo Creed to death in the ring, causing fatal damage with a hard-hitting flurry of punches.