
What does REL mean?

What does REL mean?


Is rel a word?

No, rel is not in the scrabble dictionary.

What does REL mean in medical terms?

REL in Medical

4 REL Recommended Exposure Limit + 1 variant Toxicology, Oil, Gas
1 REL Recommended Exposure Limits Business, Exposure, Chemistry
2 REL Reference Exposure Level Military, Exposure, Reference
2 REL Resting Expiratory Level Health, Healthcare, Hospital
1 REL C-Rel Oncology

What does REL mean in real estate?

Remaining Economic Life

What does CNL mean in real estate?

CNL Financial Group (CNL), formerly Commercial Net Lease, is an Orlando, Florida based private investment management and commercial real estate company. It was started in 1973 by James Seneff.

What does OFC mean in real estate?

Lr – living room. MLS – Multiple Listing Service; database of real estate for sale. Ofc – office. Pl – swimming pool.

What does BAC mean in MLS?

Buyer Agent Commission

What is broker agency compensation?

The vast majority of real estate agents are compensated by a broker via sharing the gross commission amount that the broker collects. The percentage split is an amount agreed to by the broker and the agent and usually reflects the level of services and support the broker provides.

How are broker fees calculated?

The formula is total commission costs divided by total share costs before commissions. For example, if commission costs total $300 and share costs total $6000, your commission costs are 5 percent of share costs.

What is the average broker fee?


What is the best way to sell stock?

Steps to Sell Your Stock Using a Broker

  1. Step 1: Pick a Broker. If you own stock but do not have a stockbroker, then you probably have physical stock certificates in your possession.
  2. Step 2: Try Out the Broker’s Trading Platform.
  3. Step 3: Deposit Your Stock and Fund an Account.
  4. Step 4: Sell Your Stock.

What happens to the money when you buy stock?

When you buy a stock your money ultimately goes to the seller through an intermediary (who takes its share). The seller might be the company itself but is more likely another investor. When you are new to investing.

What happens if I sell my stocks?

If you sold stocks for less than you paid to buy them, you have a capital loss. You can use capital losses to help offset capital gains. Then you may use it against a long-term capital gain.