What does Rd mean in a text?

What does Rd mean in a text?

Real Deal

What does the acronym Rd mean?

real deal

Is an RA a student?

A resident adviser—or “RA”—is an upperclassman who is available to college students living in dorms and resident halls. Dorm residents may be more comfortable talking to an RA than an older adult in a sterile on-campus housing office, making this peer-to-peer guidance can be valuable for incoming freshmen.

Do RAs get paid?

And some schools pay RA’s a financial stipend along with these perks, somewhere in the ballpark of $600 per semester. So free housing, free food, free parking, discounted tuition, and you’d get paid on top of it all! 2. You can plan a bunch of fun things to do with your students.

Why should you be an RA?

Serve as a role model to residents and peer staff members. Gain valuable skills as a peer mentor and earn work experience for your resumé. Learn how to interact with different types of people. Be part of helping students and peers adjust to campus life and make a difference in the lives of students and fellow RAs.

How should I dress for an RA interview?

Appropriate dress typically includes slacks/khakis, a dress shirt/blouse, open- collar or polo shirt, a dress or skirt at knee- length or below, a tailored blazer, knit shirt or sweater, and loafers or dress shoes. A tie or sport coat is optional, not necessary.

What should a resident assistant put on a resume?

Transferable skills are highly prized abilities that you can take with you to any career field. Examples are communication (verbal and written), problem-solving, interpersonal, analytical, research, and time management. Your RA position is chock-full of these valued skills.

What is the job of a resident assistant?

Resident Assistant Job Responsibilities: Assists in supervising residents and responding to complaints, reports, requests and emergencies. Submits reports on infractions, violations and safety issues. Promotes residence hall events. Informs residents about relevant campus and local activities.