
What does please remit payment to mean?

What does please remit payment to mean?

To remit payment means to send money to settle an invoice. By providing a “remit to” address on the invoices you send to your clients, you can let them know where to send payment for their invoices.

What does remit mean?

transitive verb. 1a : to release from the guilt or penalty of. b : to refrain from exacting remit a tax. c : to cancel or refrain from inflicting remit the fine.

What does payment has been remitted mean?

Remitted is defined as to have made a payment, to put back or lessened. An example of remitted is to have sent in a check to pay a bill. An example of remitted is to have been sent back to state prison.

What does remit mean in finance?

To send money to remove an obligation or liability, especially electronically or through a wire service. For example, if one receives a speeding ticket and wires the city government the fine, one is said to have remitted the speeding ticket. As a noun, “remittance” also refers to the amount of money that is sent.

What is remit to entry?

: to send (something, such as a dispute or a court case) to an authority that can make a decision about it The case was remitted to the state court.

How do I receive money through World remit?

To withdraw funds:

  1. In the Wallet tab of the WorldRemit app, select one of the currency account tiles you’d like to withdraw money from.
  2. Select Transfer.
  3. Select Withdraw along with your preferred pay out option (ie how you want to receive that money).
  4. Select the amount you want to withdraw.
  5. Select Withdraw now.

What is another word for remit?

SYNONYMS FOR remit 1 forward. 4 excuse, overlook. 5 diminish. 6 return, restore.

What does it mean to remit tax?

That’s the amount paid. If it’s amount remitted – that’s usually talking about how much you’ve already paid, like in tax withholding. If it’s amount “to be” remitted, then it’s how much you owe. The key is figuring out if it’s what’s already been paid or what needs to be paid.

What does remit mean in medical terms?

(rē-mit’), To become less severe for a time without absolutely ceasing.

What does readmitted mean?

transitive verb. : to admit (someone) again readmitting them to the school after their suspension especially : to accept into a hospital a second or subsequent time readmitted the patient due to infection of the surgical incision.

What does usage mean?

Usage is defined as the way that something is being used, or to the proper way to make use of something such as a word or phrase or tool. When the power company measures how and when people use power, this is an example of a study of usage. When you use a word incorrectly, this is an example of an improper usage. noun.

How do you use the word usage?

Usage is how something is used; the fact of something being used is use; the degree to which something is used is utilization. The word prevarication is not in common usage. The use of safety belts is mandatory.

What are some examples of colons?

Colons in Sentences

  • There are two choices at this time: run away or fight.
  • We knew who would win the game: the Eagles.
  • He wanted to see three cities in Italy: Rome, Florence, and Venice.
  • Here are three states that begin with M: Michigan, Mississippi, and Maine.