What does on a daily basis mean?
What does on a daily basis mean?
on a daily basis there refers to everyday life, to one’s normal or usual behavior, activity, routine, or schedule, to the quotidien.
What is it called when you do something everyday?
“Quotidian” is a good word, although it may be a little too highbrow. quo·tid·i·an /kwōˈtidēən/ adjective -Google. Of or occurring every day; daily. Ordinary or everyday, especially when mundane.
What is multi purpose project?
A multipurpose project is that which simultaneously serves several purposes. Flood control, irrigation, hydroelectric generation, navigation, fishing and tourism etc are some of the chef aims of multipurpose project.
How do you spell multi purpose?
Correct spelling for the English word “multipurpose” is [mˌʌltɪpˈɜːpəs], [mˌʌltɪpˈɜːpəs], [m_ˌʌ_l_t_ɪ_p_ˈɜː_p_ə_s] (IPA phonetic alphabet)….Similar spelling words for MULTIPURPOSE
- multiplex,
- multiparous,
- multiphase,
- multiprocessing,
- multifariously,
- multifarious,
- multiprocessor,
- multipotent,
What does multiplicity mean in algebra?
The number of times a given factor appears in the factored form of the equation of a polynomial is called the multiplicity.
What is identity disturbance?
An identity disturbance is a deficiency or inability to maintain one or more major components of identity.
What is a plural system?
Plurality (also known as multiplicity) is the state of having more than one person/consciousness sharing a body. Together, the people who share a body make up a plural system or multiple system, often referred to simply as a system.
What is a singlet in clothing?
A singlet is a sleeveless sports shirt worn by athletes and boxers. A singlet is a plain sleeveless piece of underwear which is worn on the upper half of the body. [British] He was wearing a blue silk singlet and boxer shorts.
Whats a DID system?
~1.5–2% of people. Dissociative identity disorder (DID), previously known as multiple personality disorder (MPD), is a mental disorder characterized by the maintenance of at least two distinct and relatively enduring personality states.