
What does |= mean in C++?

What does |= mean in C++?

a |= b; is just syntactic sugar for a = a | b; . Same syntax is valid for almost every operator in C++. But int i |= 5; is an error, because in the definition line you must have an initialisation, that is an expression that does not use the variable being declared.

What does the percent sign mean in code?

indicate nonexecutable

How do I use the percent sign in printf?

Notes: To obtain the character “%” in a format string, enter “%%”, e.g. printf(“The percentage is %d %%.

How do you print backslash?

To print a backslash, you must escape it by typing another backslash in front of it. The first backslash means “give the next character its alternate meaning.” The second backslash has an alternate meaning of “print a backslash.” Without a backslash, special characters have a natural special meaning.

How do you print a character?

To print a character you need to pass the value of the character to printf. The value can be referenced as name[0] or *name (since for an array name = &name[0]). To print a string you need to pass a pointer to the string to printf (in this case ‘name’ or ‘&name[0]’).

How do you print a character in C++?

C++ Exercises: Print the code of a given character

  1. Pictorial Presentation:
  2. Sample Solution:
  3. C++ Code : #include using namespace std; int main() { char sing_ch; cout << “\n\n Print code (ASCII code / Unicode code etc.)
  4. Flowchart:
  5. C++ Code Editor:
  6. Contribute your code and comments through Disqus.

How does printf work in C++?

The printf() function writes the string pointed to by format to stdout. The string format may contain format specifiers starting with % which are replaced by the values of variables that are passed to the printf() function as additional arguments. It is defined in header file.

What does %d mean in C++?

a decimal integer

What is G format?

The general (“G”) format specifier converts a number to the more compact of either fixed-point or scientific notation, depending on the type of the number and whether a precision specifier is present. The precision specifier defines the maximum number of significant digits that can appear in the result string.

What is the purpose of Sprintf?

sprintf() function in C sprintf() function is a file handling function in C programming language which is used to write formatted output to the string. Please find below the description and syntax for each above file handling functions. Declaration: int sprintf(char *string, const char *format, …)

What is the difference between printf () and sprintf ()?

sprintf writes formatted text to an array of char , as opposed to a stream. printf(“format”, args) is used to print the data onto the standard output which is often a computer monitor. sprintf(char *, “format”, args) is like printf. The string location is the only difference between printf and sprint syntax.

What is the value of EOF?


What is the role of EOF in C++?

C++ provides a special function, eof( ), that returns nonzero (meaning TRUE) when there are no more data to be read from an input file stream, and zero (meaning FALSE) otherwise.

What character is EOF?

EOF is not a character, but a state of the filehandle. While there are there are control characters in the ASCII charset that represents the end of the data, these are not used to signal the end of files in general. For example EOT (^D) which in some cases almost signals the same.

What data type is EOF?

type int

How do you send EOF from keyboard?

  1. EOF is wrapped in a macro for a reason – you never need to know the value.
  2. From the command-line, when you are running your program you can send EOF to the program with Ctrl – D (Unix) or CTRL – Z (Microsoft).
  3. To determine what the value of EOF is on your platform you can always just print it: printf (“%i\n”, EOF);

What is cat EOF?

The EOF operator is used in many programming languages. This operator stands for the end of the file. The “cat” command, followed by the file name, allows you to view the contents of any file in the Linux terminal.