
What does make yourself scarce mean?

What does make yourself scarce mean?

: to leave so as not to be seen in a certain place You’d better make yourself scarce before my parents get home.

How do you spell temporary?

How Do You Spell TEMPORARY? Correct spelling for the English word “temporary” is [tˈɛmpɹəɹˌɪ], [tˈɛmpɹəɹˌɪ], [t_ˈɛ_m_p_ɹ_ə_ɹ_ˌɪ] (IPA phonetic alphabet).

What does temporality mean?

1a : civil or political as distinguished from spiritual or ecclesiastical power or authority. b : an ecclesiastical property or revenue —often used in plural. 2 : the quality or state of being temporal.

What is human temporality?

In philosophy, temporality is traditionally the linear progression of past, present, and future. In social sciences, temporality is also studied with respect to human’s perception of time and the social organization of time.

What is the difference between time and temporality?

“Time” is a little more obvious – it’s the measure of the succession of moments, a way to quantify our narrative passage from the past to the future in a uniform way. Temporality is subjective progression through moments, while time attempts to objectively measure and mark that progression.

How do you use temporality in a sentence?

Temporality sentence example He escapes into the eternal verities of mathematical equations as a means of avoiding the messy temporality of human life. What is the temporality of war when the decision for war is life ‘s aleatory throw of the dice? temporality of human life.

What is temporality in research?

Temporality — Timing of information about cause and effect; whether the information about cause and effect was assembled at the same time point or whether information about the cause was garnered before or after the information about the effect.

What is social temporality?

The author notes, that there are many definitions of «temporality», each of which has a right to exist, but the integration of existing social senses to determine temporality as a concept which indicates the rate of turnover in the time of the events that occur in the vital functions of humans in society.