
What does it mean when something is watered down?

What does it mean when something is watered down?

A watered-down idea or opinion has been made less extreme than it originally was, usually so that people are more likely to accept it: They have returned with a watered-down version of the proposal.

What is another word for watered down?

In this page you can discover 15 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for watered-down, like: diluted, diminished, mixed, adulterated, thin, weak, dilute, washy, waterish, watery and strong.

Can water be watered down?

In that sense, I guess it follows that water cannot physically be watered down, because there would be no noticeable change in anything at all except for volume. The taste would be identical. The clarity should remain crystal-clear.

What does watered mean?

adjective. having rivers or streams: an amply watered area. receiving rain or other precipitation. sprinkled, irrigated, etc., with water: a poorly watered garden. having a wavy, lustrous pattern or marking: watered silk.

Is watered down hyphenated?

That’s why it is “watered-down milk.” “Water” is a verb, “watered” the past participle,and “down” means diminished in intensity or size. Water had been put in the milk to make a greater quantity of liquid. It’s still milk, but there is more water in it. “Quality-control” should be written with a hyphen.

Why do bars water down drinks?

It is as simple as adding water to the liquor bottles. Adding water to liquor will increase the profit ratio by the same percentage of water that is added. The bar takes a half full liquor bottle and adds 1/3 water to the bottle, they have now increased their profit margin on that bottle of liquor by 33.3%.

Can’t keep a drop of water down Meaning?

Fig. to reduce the effectiveness or force of something. (Fig. on {2}.) Please don’t water my declaration down.

Can my shares be diluted?

Shares can be diluted through a conversion by holders of optionable securities, secondary offerings to raise additional capital, or offering new shares in exchange for acquisitions or services.

What is a diluted person?

If someone or something dilutes a belief, quality, or value, they make it weaker and less effective. There was a clear intention to dilute Black voting power. Synonyms: reduce, weaken, diminish, temper More Synonyms of dilute. 3. adjective.

What does always dilute mean?

to make a liquid weaker by mixing in something else: Dilute the juice (with water) before you drink it. You should always dilute juice that you serve to children.

What does it mean to dilute a sample?

To dilute a solution means to add more solvent without the addition of more solute. For example, if there are 10 grams of salt (the solute) dissolved in 1 litre of water (the solvent), this solution has a certain salt concentration (molarity).

How do you use dilute in a sentence?

Dilute in a Sentence 🔉

  1. If you put too much water in the kettle, you will dilute the flavor of the tea, since it needs to be somewhat balanced.
  2. You will dilute the strength of the foundation if you add a weaker material to the concrete we are already using.

What is a sentence for equilibrium?

1) This pair of scales is not in equilibrium. 2) He sat down to try and recover his equilibrium. 3) We have achieved an equilibrium in the economy. 4) He can’t maintain enough equilibrium to ride a bike.

How does Equilibrium work in the human body?

The body’s balance system works through a constant process of position detection, feedback and adjustment using communication between the inner ear, eyes, muscles, joints and the brain. Deep inside the ear, positioned just under the brain, is the inner ear.

What role does friction play in everyday life?

Friction is a resistance force that slows down or prevents motion. It plays a vital role in our daily lives. It is necessary in many applications where we want to prevent slipping or sliding or where we want to hold a certain item. It helps us apply brakes and make any moving vehicle stop.