
What does it mean when someone calls you boo thang?

What does it mean when someone calls you boo thang?

unofficially your significant other

Is Thang a Scrabble word?

No, thang is not in the scrabble dictionary.

How do you use thang in a sentence?

Thang sentence example

  1. hollers down at Jerry, ” Shoot, shoot, this thang is killin me.
  2. For the very small percentage of young women who do make a living this way, it can be fun and exciting, but very short lived as magazines and media are always looking for the next “miss thang “.

What is the meaning of Tang Karna?

/tanga karanā/ annoy transitive verb. If someone annoys you, they make you quite angry and impatient. Make a note of the things which annoy you., It annoyed me that he didn’t help with the children.

How do you pronounce thang?

Pronunciation: Tang – Like the orange drink in space.

How can I just do my own things?

Getting Away With Doing Your Own Thing Socially

  1. Be comfortable with yourself.
  2. Genuinely don’t care what people think.
  3. Accept you’re going to ruffle some feathers.
  4. Tell other people what you’re like and what you need.
  5. Educate people.
  6. Get good at saying no.
  7. Figure out ways to take what you need from your daily routine.
  8. Don’t seem too bitter and angry.

Do one’s own thing?

To do what one is interested in or skilled at, rather than simply doing what everyone else does. You don’t have to go to med school just because your sister did—you need to do your own thing.

Do your thing synonyms?


  • arrogant.
  • closed.
  • competent.
  • conceited.
  • confident.
  • doing one’s own thing.
  • efficient.
  • egotistic.

What do you call someone who does their own thing?

self-directed. standing on one’s own two feet. libertarian. self-directing.

What is the word for working independently?

unaided, unassisted, without help, without assistance, by one’s own efforts, under one’s own steam, single-handed, single-handedly, off one’s own bat, on one’s own initiative, autonomously, as one’s own boss. informal by one’s lonesome.

What does autonomously mean in English?

1a : having the right or power of self-government an autonomous territory. b : undertaken or carried on without outside control : self-contained an autonomous school system. 2a : existing or capable of existing independently an autonomous zooid.

What is another word for independently?

What is another word for independently?

solo alone
autonomously individually
separately solitarily
unaided unassisted
singly solely