What does it mean to get a pound of flesh?

What does it mean to get a pound of flesh?

: a payment or penalty exacted to fulfill a deal or punishment loan sharks taking their pound of flesh.

What does Shylock mean by a pound of flesh?

Someone demanding their pound of flesh is saying that they are determined to get what is theirs by right, no matter how it may affect anyone else and regardless of the consequences. It comes from The Merchant of Venice and is spoken by Shylock, a moneylender, who is an outcast in Venice because he’s a Jew.

Who demanded a pound of flesh?


How cruel Shylock was to demand his pound of flesh begin it was cruel?

Answer Expert Verified It was very cruel of Shylock to demand one pound of Antonio’s flesh. It was exceedingly cruel of Shylock to demand one pound of Antonio’s flesh. It was outrageously cruel of Shylock to demand one pound of Antonio’s flesh.

Does Shylock take a pound of flesh?

In the court in Venice, Shylock demands his pound of flesh. Bassanio offers his wife’s money, which would more than pay the debt, but Shylock refuses to accept. Antonio’s death is only prevented as Balthazar explains the bond is for flesh but not for a single drop of blood. So Shylock cannot collect the pound of flesh.

Why does Shylock shy away from taking his pound of flesh?

When Shylock found that he could not even take the original three thousand ducats in place of the pound of flesh, he dropped the case, but Portia stopped him, reminding him of the penalty that non-citizens face when they threaten the life of a Venertian.

Why do you think Shylock was so eager to cut off Antonio’s flesh?

I think Shylock was so eager to cut off a pound of Antonio’s flesh because he hated the merchant and wanted to put an end to him. So, Shylock must have thought it was a good opportunity to pay back Antonio for his hatred when the merchant came to him for a loan of three thousand ducats to help his friend.

What would Shylock do with Antonio’s flesh?

Essentially, Shylock wants Antonio’s flesh to satisfy his revenge and punish Antonio for the numerous times the merchant has wronged him. The reason he actually gives in demanding it is “to bait fish withal”. Shylock wants to use Antonio’s flesh as fish bait–though one rather hopes we are to take him with some irony!

Why was Shylock stripped of his possession?

Why is Shylock stripped of his possessions? Because he tried to murder or harm a christian. Apart from the financial conditions , what does Antonio’s new arrangement demand of Shylock? He doubles his money and Antonio does not lose one pound of flesh, and half of the money goes to Jessica.

How did Portia win the case?

Portia saves Antonios life by: When they both go there, Portia uses her clever wit to save Antonio. she says that sure, the words are “a pound of flesh” but she analyzes the bond and quickly finds out that there is blood written so she uses that as a advantage against Shylock and wins the case.

How does Portia trick Shylock?

Expert Answers Portia then gives Shylock a knife to retrieve the pound of flesh but mentions that the law will not allow a drop of blood. She tells Shylock that if Antonio bleeds during the operation, the Venetian court is entitled to confiscate his land and property.

How did Portia defeated Shylock?

As a woman, in any case, her words would not be taken seriously. But once she “passes” as a male, they are. The disguised Portia manages to defeat Shylock because she is intelligent and can reason well. Since Shylock won’t be bought off, as Bassanio tries to do, she decides to defeat him at his own game.

How does Shylock turn down Portia’s plea for mercy?

When Shylock finds out that he cannot even take the original three thousand ducats in place of the pound of flesh, he drops the case, but Portia stops him, reminding him of the penalty that noncitizens face when they threaten the life of a Venetian.

What is the law as interpreted by Portia just before this extract?

Just before this extract, Portia interprets the law to Shylock. She tells Shylock to take the forfeit in this agreement which is just a pound of flesh. However, in the process of cutting if he sheds a drop of blood of a citizen, all his wealth and possessions will be forfeited to the government, according to the law.