
What does IRGO mean?

What does IRGO mean?


Acronym Definition
IRGO International Research Group on Ostracoda
IRGO Institut de Recherche en Gestion des Organisations (French: Research Institute of Organizational Management; Montesquieu University)
IRGO Internet Research Group of Otago (New Zealand)
IRGO Isocentric Reciprocal Gait Orthosis

Why does Launcelot use high sounding words in his conversation with Gobbo?

Launcelot uses high-sounding words in his conversation with Gobbo to impress him that he possesses classical learning and is a gentleman. Shakespeare wants to convey to the audience that habit of some vain people of his time who pretended to be what were not.

What mental struggle is Launcelot facing?

Answer. Answer:Launcelot Gobbo is shylock’s servant. An inner struggle is going on in his mind between his conscience advising him to be a faithful servant and the devil tempting him to leave shylock’s service and take up service with Bassanio.

What present does Gobbo bring?

Answer: Old Gobbo has brought a dish of dove in a basket as a present for the Jew. Launcelot informed his father (gobbo) that he just ran away from the Jew’s house (Shylock’s house) and also said his father to give the present to Bassanio. This scene takes place in Venice, a street.

What did Old Gobbo bring for Shylock?

When Launcelot Gobbo’s father, Old Gobbo, a servant just as Launcelot is, comes to visit, he brings a basket in which he has placed a “dish of doves” as a present for Shylock.

Why does he want to take up a job with Bassanio?

He wants to take up a job with Bassanio because he thinks that if he serves Bassanio, he will have the privilege of having new liveries, as Bassanio offers new liveries to his sevants. Moreover, he says that Bassanio is a good man and has the grace of God.

What does Launcelot Master think of him?

Answer. Answer: shylock had said that launcelot gobbo was a good and kind fellow but according to him, he ate too much and slept too much and lazy people are not allowed in his house and so, he parted with him .

Who is Launcelot old master?
