
What does Indespicable mean?

What does Indespicable mean?

1. To regard with contempt or scorn: despised all cowards and flatterers. 2. To dislike intensely; loathe: despised the frigid weather in January. [Middle English despisen, from Old French despire, despis-, from Latin dēspicere : dē-, de- + specere, to look; see spek- in Indo-European roots.]

Is scandalous a word?

adjective. disgraceful; shameful or shocking; improper: scandalous behavior in public. defamatory or libelous, as a speech or writing. attracted to or preoccupied with scandal, as a person: a scandalous, vicious gossip.

Is unhuman a word?

adjective. lacking human attributes: The unhuman figures in his earlier work were not well received. of a quality or power beyond what is human; superhuman: Her hands clenched the chair with unhuman strength.

What’s another word for unhuman?

What is another word for unhuman?

animal bizarre
inhuman monstrous
non-human non-mortal
odd strange
subhuman unearthly

How do you use inhumane in a sentence?

Inhumane sentence example

  1. Sadly, these activities evolved into the sadistic and inhumane practice of dog fighting.
  2. Members petitioned the Illinois legislature to become a state policing agency to stop to the cruel and inhumane treatment of animals at Union Stock Yards throughout the state.

What does inhumane mean sentence?

The definition of inhumane is something that is cruel or unkind. A pet owner leaving a dog out in freezing weather is an example of something inhumane. Not humane; unmoved by the suffering of others; cruel, brutal, unkind, etc.

What do you call a person who is demanding?

Synonyms: choosy, critical, demanding, detailed, finicky, fussy, meticulous, nit-picking, particular, picky, scrutinizing Antonyms: undemanding.

What is the difference between asking and demanding?

The difference between them is in the force of the words. When you think you would like something, you may “ask” for it. But if you think you have a right to something, you are more likely to “demand” it. We often use “demand” as a noun, but rarely use “ask” as a noun.

What is demanding behavior?

Definition. Demanding behaviour can fall into two broad categories: Anxious and emotionally needy service users who require considerable attention from practitioners. This may take the form of extended appointments, unplanned contacts and/or frequent telephone calls. Service users presenting as very entitled.

What does it mean to be too demanding?

When a person is described as demanding, it usually means that he or she has very high standards or is especially hard to satisfy. The word comes from the Old French demander, “to request or demand,” by way of the Latin demandare, “entrust.” Definitions of demanding.

How do I stop being so demanding in a relationship?

Are you too demanding in your relationship?

  1. Don’t try to give your partner a makeover. Tesher advises her readers to not try to make their partners fit a specific mould.
  2. Learn to compromise in a relationship.
  3. Be a fan.
  4. Put yourself together.
  5. Be honest, but not too honest.
  6. Keep it real.

Is demand an adjective?

adjective. requiring or claiming more than is generally felt by others to be due: a demanding teacher. calling for intensive effort or attention; taxing: a demanding job.

Is Demeaningly a word?

To lower in status or character; degrade or humble: professionals who feel demeaned by unskilled work. See Synonyms at debase. [de- + mean.] de·mean′ing·ly adv.

What is the adjective form of demand?

demand (verb) demanding (adjective) on–demand (adjective) supply and demand (noun)

How do you describe a picky person?

Picky Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for picky?

choosey choosy
fussy nice
old-maidish pernickety
persnickety selective
captious critical