
What does INBD mean in texting?

What does INBD mean in texting?

It’s No Big Deal

What’s Obj stand for?


Acronym Definition
OBJ Object
OBJ Objective
OBJ Oh Be Joyful (beer; UK)
OBJ Olusegun Obasanjo (president of Nigeria)

What is a AFK warning?

It means that the players who will leave the game too often after starting it will be banned from the Clash Squad-Ranked mode. If a player gets an AFK Warning, then he/she should stop leaving the games without completing them.

How do I turn on auto fishing in BDO?

To do so, right-click on the Fishing Rod and it will automatically equip to your weapon slot. To begin fishing, press spacebar, then check the box at the top of the screen to prompt your character to toss useless items while auto fishing. After that, you can sit back, relax, and let your character auto fish.

How do I improve my fishing rod in BDO?

An Item Brand Spell Stone can be used on a Balenos Fishing Rod. This will dramatically increase your AFK fishing time by reducing the Durability Consumption of the rod by 50%. This $4 item, effectively doubles your fishing time. It also reduces the cost to repair a Balenos Fishing Rod by 33%.

How do you dry fish in BDO?

Drying can be performed by hitting ‘L’ by default.

How do you make fragrant jerky from BDO?

Fragrant Jerky Recipe

  1. To craft Fragrant Jerky, use Drying with:
  2. 1 Fox Meat 6,600. Fox Meat Market Data.
  3. To craft Fragrant Jerky, use Drying with:
  4. 1 Weasel Meat 5,650. Weasel Meat Market Data.
  5. To craft Fragrant Jerky, use Drying with:
  6. 1 Bear Meat 10,800.
  7. To craft Fragrant Jerky, use Drying with:
  8. 1 Wolf Meat 9,450.

Where can I buy bait in BDO?

In order to get bait, you will need to collect 5 Fish Tokens. These are obtained when you trade caught fish with the Fish Merchant. Once you have 5 tokens, you can exchange them for bait or a random buff. With a fishing rod, you can now head to the shores and find a fishing spot.

How do I get Laila’s petal?

※ To obtain Laila’s Petal, place a Special Honey Jar at unstable crevices found outside the Kamasylve Temple area. You can also get Laila’s Petal by defeating monsters, Gathering or Fishing. ※ Complete the quest ‘Mysterious Companion’ to be able to interact with unstable crevices.