What does GAFA stand for?

What does GAFA stand for?

Google, Apple, Facebook, and Amazon

Is GAFA masculine or feminine?

gafa {feminine} spectacles {noun} [form.]

Is Gafas singular or plural?

gafas [las ~ (f)] noun, plural.

What does WHO mean in healthcare?

Abbreviation for World Health Organization.

Why is the WHO definition of health Criticised?

Most criticism of the WHO definition concerns the absoluteness of the word “complete” in relation to wellbeing. The first problem is that it unintentionally contributes to the medicalisation of society.

What does COP stand for in healthcare?

Conditions of Participation

What does COP stand for in text?

COP means “Close Of Play” and “Cop” (police officer). The abbreviation COP is a cliché used in business to mean “Close Of Play”.

What does COP mean for business?

close of play

What is the abbreviation for copy?

Abbreviation for Copy

5 cp Copy Technology, Unix, Unix Command
3 cc Copy
3 CPI Copy Amateur Radio, Technology, Morse Aids
3 CPY Copy Amateur Radio, Technology, Aircraft
2 CY Copy Government

What is the full word for CC?

You use cc when referring to the volume or capacity of something such as the size of a car engine. cc is an abbreviation for ‘cubic centimetres’. 1,500 cc sports cars. 2. cc is used in an email or at the end of a business letter to indicate that a copy is being sent to another person.

Is CC capitalized or not?

Microsoft Outlook uses the abbreviation Cc. According to strict rules, that first capital C is incorrect. However, with its presence everywhere, Cc may soon become the standard. Yes, office practices and writing standards do evolve, and we can enjoy some of the changes.

Can people see CC D?

When you CC people on an email, the CC list is visible to all other recipients. BCC stands for “blind carbon copy.” Unlike with CC, no one but the sender can see the list of BCC recipients.