
What does CCC mean in a text?

What does CCC mean in a text?

Coricidin Cough and Cold

What does CSC stand for in business?

What does CSC stand for?

Rank Abbr. Meaning
CSC Contract(ing) Services Company/Corporation
CSC Card Security Code (credit cards)
CSC Command Security Corporation (various locations)
CSC Customer Service Center

What does CSC stand for in law?

Criminal Sexual Conduct

What are CSC charges?

Criminal Sexual Conduct (CSC) First Degree and Second Degree both involve one or more of these factors. Third Degree and Fourth Degree do not. However, First Degree and Third Degree include sexual penetration. Second Degree and Fourth Degree only involve contact.

What does CSC stand for in construction?

CSC – Car Seal Closed.

What does CSC mean in education?

CSC. Command and Staff College. CSC. Computer Science Course (education)

What does CSC stand for in healthcare?

A: CMC is the designation for Cardiac Medicine Certification; CSC is the designation for Cardiac Surgery Certification. These three-letter credentials may only be displayed with a clinical nursing specialty certification attached with a dash, such as CCRN-CMC or CCNS-CSC.

What does CSC stand for in photography?

A compact system camera (CSC) ought to tick most of your boxes. Available in a smaller form than their DSLR cousins, this new wave of camera format is built differently: no mirror box means a less bulky construction, although it also means either an electronic viewfinder (EVF) or no viewfinder at all.

What does CSC stand for in banking?

As an additional verification for iMIS Desktop credit card transactions, you can make the Card Security Code (CSC) a required value for specific credit/debit card cash accounts. A CSC is the 3- or 4-digit unembossed number that displays on the front or back of a credit/debit card.

What does CAC stand for?

Common Access Card

Is there a hidden animal on every Jeep?

Almost every Jeep vehicle has at least one Easter Egg and some vehicles have up to several dozen. The signature marks change from vehicle to vehicle and are always specific to the model in which it appears.

Does Jeep have hidden animals?

There might be something special hidden in your car right under your nose without you realizing it. Some people who own Jeeps aren’t aware that most models have hidden Easter eggs—mysterious imprints and stickers, including lizards, spiders, a Sasquatch, and other symbols.