
What does Canon EOS mean?

What does Canon EOS mean?

Canon EOS (Electro-Optical System) is an autofocus single-lens reflex camera (SLR) and mirrorless camera series produced by Canon Inc. Introduced in 1987 with the Canon EOS 650, all EOS cameras used 35 mm film until October 1996 when the EOS IX was released using the new and short-lived APS film.

Is SLR or DSLR better?

Another point of difference which can help you decide which is better, SLR or DSLR is the shutter speed. SLRs have shutter speed range from 1 second to one-thousandth of a second whereas on the other hand, DSLRs have shorter range of about 1/4000th to 1/8000th of a second.

What is SLR camera mean?

Short for single lens reflex, is a term associated with cameras and digital cameras. SLR cameras use a mirror between the lens and the film, or image sensor, to provide a focus screen. This means the image you see in the viewfinder (or LCD) will be the same as what appears on film or as your digital image.