
What does bosom mean?

What does bosom mean?

(Entry 1 of 3) 1a : the human chest and especially the front part of the chest hugged the child to his bosom. b : a woman’s breasts regarded especially as a single feature a woman with an ample bosom also : breast a woman’s bosoms.

What is the meaning of the phrase break the ice?

to do or say something that makes people who do not know each other feel more comfortable: I tried to break the ice by talking to the people next to me about the weather.

What does the Devil’s Due mean?

Literally, the phrase ‘give the devil his due’ means to pay the devil what you owe him. Figuratively, the phrase is used to mean that one has to acknowledge the positive qualities of a person who is unpleasant or disliked.

What is the origin of the idiom face the music?

To face the music means to accept consequences, to own up to the responsibility created by one’s actions. Face the music is an American idiom, it seems to have originated in the New England area in the 1830s. One thought is that face the music was originally an exhortation to face one’s stage fright.

What does to play with fire mean?

to do something that could cause you trouble later: You’re playing with fire if you try to cheat on the test.

What is it called when you like playing with fire?

The term pyromania comes from the Greek word πῦρ (pyr, fire). Pyromania is distinct from arson, the deliberate setting of fires for personal, monetary or political gain. Pyromaniacs start fires to induce euphoria, and often fixate on institutions of fire control like fire houses and firemen.

Why is it not good to play with matches at home?

House fires can easily occur if a match–even a recently blown-out match–comes into contact with a flammable item such as clothing, carpets, newspapers or draperies. House fires have the unique disadvantage of trapping people inside, which can lead to burning deaths, or deaths from smoke inhalation.