
What does all up in my grill mean?

What does all up in my grill mean?

The full phrase is “(up) in my grill” = “(up) in my face”. These are both slang phrases that means that someone is being very annoying, hostile and/or bothersome to you as well as getting too close physically. “He started yelling at me for being late and got all up in my grill about it.”

What does grill mean in slang?

Sometimes, to grill means to ask a person really intense questions, like when you suspect them of doing something wrong and you want to make them confess the truth. Ever seen a film where a police officer puts a bright light in a criminal’s face and screams, “Did you do it?” That’s how you grill someone.

What does all up on me mean?

“All up on you” is a colloquial phrase that generally means you are in someone’s personal space, often for the purposes of flirting. For example, someone who comes up to someone else at a club and starts dancing very close to someone else is “all up on” that person.

What does get out of my grill mean?

verb. to stop being up in (one’s) grill.

What is your grill?

one’s face, personal space, or business. See also, for example, up in (one’s) grill. See more words with the same meaning: face. See more words with the same meaning: personal space.

What does it mean to be a bad nut?

The exclamation, “Nuts!” can be used to mean “That is a shame” or “Too bad” Nuts is a slang term for the testicles and scrotum. A nut is a slang term for someone who is crazy.

What did the squirrels do to Veruca?

The squirrels mistake Veruca for trying to steal nuts so they attack her biting, scratching, and clawing to pin her to the ground. Then after that they do the only thing they know how to, SORT!, one squirrel knocks on her forehead to see if she’s a bad nut.

How did Veruca Salt get eliminated?

Veruca is eliminated at the end of her musical number in the film (“I Want it Now”) after climbing a machine designed to tell whether or not the goose eggs are “good” or “bad” eggs. The machine judges her as a “bad egg” and she disappears down the garbage chute.