What does a Shipman do?

What does a Shipman do?

The Shipman is a ship’s captain, the most skilled from here to Spain, more at home on the deck of a ship than on the back of a horse. He is not above a little larceny or piracy, and in a sea fight he does not take prisoners.

Who are the three main characters of the Shipman’s tale?

Plot Summary The story incorporates three main characters, a merchant, the merchants wife, and their friend Sir John who is a monk. The main conflict of the story is that the merchant is supposedly abusive to his wife, which drives her to cheat with him on his best friend, the monk.

Why is the Pardoner interested in the Wife of Bath’s Tale?

She bases her opinion on her significant experience with marriage. In lines 22-25, what understanding of women does the Pardoner hope to gain from the Wife of Bath’s tale? He hopes to gain some practical knowledge about marriage, based on experience. You just studied 20 terms!

What was the Wife of Bath’s job?

Chaucer’s Wife of Bath was a wife from the city of Bath. Her primary occupation seems to have been being a wife, since she had been married 5 times! But she was also apparently a skilled weaver and cloth maker, and Chaucer spends some time describing her clothing, which demonstrates her cloth-making skills.

How essential is irony to the meaning of the story?

Why is it important? Authors can use irony to make their audience stop and think about what has just been said, or to emphasize a central idea. The audience’s role in realizing the difference between what is said and what is normal or expected is essential to the successful use of irony.

What sin does the Pardoner preach against?


How does the Pardoner dress?

Clothing, especially for clerics, was more uniform than now: the wearing of hoods was part of a cleric’s ordinary dress. The Pardoner’s lack of a hood (though he does wear a skullcap) was unorthodox, as was his long hair. His glaring eyes might have suggested a lustful nature.

How does the Pardoner make money?

How does the Pardoner earn his living? by taking money to “forgive sins”, he also sells religious trinkets, that are fake.

How does the Pardoner describe himself?

How does the Pardoner describe his own character and morals in the Prologue? He admits to being a greedy fraud. He tells the audience that his relics are fakes, yet he stills sells them to people.

What indulgences does the Pardoner claim to have?

The Pardoner consistently preaches that “Greed is the root of all evil” while selling indulgences, or pardons of sin, and keeping the money for himself.