
What do you call a group of four?

What do you call a group of four?

foursome. noun. a group of four people.

What is another word for the number 4?

What is another word for four?

quadrigeminal quadripartition
quadruple quadruplet
quadruplets quartet
quartette quaternary
quaternion quaternity

What is the meaning of quartet?

1 : a musical composition for four instruments or voices. 2 : a group or set of four especially : the performers of a quartet.

What’s a quartet group?

In music, a quartet or quartette (French: quatuor, German: Quartett, Italian: quartetto, Spanish: cuarteto, Polish: kwartet) is an ensemble of four singers or instrumental performers; or a musical composition for four voices or instruments.

What is a group of four singers?

A group of four singers or instrumentalists is called a quartet or quartette (French: quatuor, German: Quartett, Italian: quartetto, Spanish: cuarteto, Polish: kwartet). A quartet can also be a composition for four instruments or voices.

How many is a quintet?


What does trio mean?

group of three people or things

What are the 8 TRIO programs?

The 8 TRIO Programs

  • Upward Bound. Upward Bound was the first program to be implemented into the TRIO program.
  • Talent Search.
  • Student Support Services.
  • Veterans Upward Bound.
  • Education Opportunities Centers.
  • Training Program for Federal TRIO Programs.
  • Ronald E.
  • Upward Bound Math-Science.

What is a trio student?

TRIO is a set of federally-funded college opportunity programs that motivate and support students from disadvantaged backgrounds in their pursuit of a college degree. TRIO programs provide direct support services for students, and relevant training for directors and staff.

What is a trio Grant?

The Federal TRIO Programs (TRIO, also stylized as TRiO) are federal outreach and student services programs in the United States designed to identify and provide services for individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds. They are administered, funded, and implemented by the United States Department of Education.

What is a trio scholarship?

The TRIO Scholarship Program Each year, TRIO’s Scholarship Program gives thousands of dollars in academic grants to members and their families. In the past 25 years TRIO has awarded over 159 scholarships to deserving students who are transplant candidates, recipients, donors or their family members.

Does trio pay for college?

TRIO provides a diverse array of assistance to needy to students in the form of programs and activities. TRIO is not college financial aid. Rather, it can help students apply for and obtain financial aid.

What is student support services in college?

A Student Support Services project must provide the following services: Academic tutoring, directly or through other services provided by the institution, to enable students to complete postsecondary courses, which may include instruction in reading, writing, study skills, mathematics, science, and other subjects.

Why are TRIO programs important?

TRIO programs are essential educational opportunity programs that are vital in promoting educational success, retention, persistence and providing pathways to immense opportunities for low-income, first-generation college students and students with disabilities from diverse backgrounds.

What other grants Besides Pell Grants?

Federal Pell Grants. Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (FSEOG) Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grants. Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grants.

How do I get free laptop?

How to Get a Laptop for Free

  1. Contact Computers with Causes.
  2. With Causes.
  3. Get a complimentary or discounted laptop from World Computer Exchange.
  4. The National Cristina Foundation.
  5. Check out the On It Foundation.
  6. Join an Online college.
  7. Check with your local Salvation Army Chapter or Goodwill.
  8. Check out PCs for People.

Can you use student loans for anything?

You can also use student loans for living expenses. You’re limited to borrowing the school’s cost of attendance — that’s tuition and fees, books and supplies, room and board, transportation, and personal expenses —minus any aid you receive.