
What caste is Kundu in Bengal?

What caste is Kundu in Bengal?

History. The surname Kundu is found in Bengal among Bengali Kayasthas. Historian Tej Ram Sharma mentions that the surname is “now confined to Kayasthas of Bengal” while referring to the names of Brahmins ending in such Kayastha surnames in the early inscriptions dating back to the Gupta period.

Is Kundu scheduled caste in West Bengal?

Kundu is a surname found among Indians in different states. The caste of the Surname Kundu is not uniform today and differs among different states. They are mainly Jats in Punjab and Haryana, Kayastha, Vaidya and Banik in West Bengal and Bangladesh.

Is Kundu general caste?

Kundu is a surname found among Indians in different states. There are south Indian ‘Kundu’ brahmins. The caste of the Surname Kundu is not uniform today and differs among different states. They are mainly Jats in Punjab and Haryana, Kayastha, Vaidya and Banik in West Bengal and Bangladesh.

Is Ghosh surname OBC?

Ghosh is an Indian and Bangladeshi surname found among Bengali Hindus. Ghoshes mostly belong to Kayastha caste in Bengal….Ghosh.

Word/name Bengali Hindu
Region of origin Bengal

Which caste comes under OBC in West Bengal?

Government of West Bengal

Sl. MORE BACKWARD (Category-A) BACKWARD (Category-B)
1 Abdal (Muslim)* Baishya Kapali
2 Baidya Muslim* Bansi Barman
3 Basni / Bosni (Muslim)* Barujibi
4 Beldar Muslim* Betkar (Bentkar)

Which surname comes under OBC in West Bengal?

What is sub caste of general in West Bengal?

Download the General Caste List in West Bengal PDF using the link given below….Scheduled Castes in West Bengal.


Who are OBC a category in West Bengal?

Government of West Bengal

Sl. MORE BACKWARD (Category-A) BACKWARD (Category-B)
13 Fakir, Sain* Dewan
14 Gayen (Muslim)* Dhimal
15 Ghosi (Muslim)* Gangot
16 Hajjam (Muslim)* Goala, Gope (Pallav Gope, Ballav Gope, Yadav Gope, Gope, Ahir and Yadav)

Where does the last name Kundu come from?

Kundu is a common surname found in India and Bangladesh. It is also occasionally found among the Jat people. The surname Kundu is found in Bengal among Bengali Kayasthas.

What’s the meaning of a Bengali last name?

Bengali surnames often have interesting legends behind their origin. For instance, some popular surnames are considered a title given by a king, while some others indicate a lineage to an ancient clan. There are surnames that suggest an occupation or are indicative of a location, thus toponymic.

What does the last name Majumdar mean in Bengali?

A Bengali surname, Majumdar, is derived from “Majmua,” an Arabic word meaning “collection” and the “dar,” suffix, which refers to a “keeper” or “possessor.” The surname Majumdar, thus, refers to “an archivist” or “keeper of records.” 32.

Where can I get an OBC certificate in Kolkata?

In Kolkata, such certificates are issued by DWO, Kolkata. Caste certificates for SC & ST are issued in terms of The Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Identification) Act, 1994. OBC certificates are issued in terms of Govt. Notification No. 347-TW / EC dated 13-07-1994. There is no age bar in respect of the issue of SC/ST certificates.