
What are the standard sizes for Windows?

What are the standard sizes for Windows?

Standard widths are 2 feet, 3 feet, 4 feet, 5 feet, 6 feet and 8 feet. Standard heights in whole numbers range from 2 feet tall all the way 8 feet tall, with additional window heights of 18 inches, 52 inches, 54 inches and 62 inches.

What does a slab door mean?

A Slab Door is a rectangular slab of wood, fiberglass or steel. It is the door by itself without frame, hinges and hardware. A Pre Hung Door comes with everything needed to install and setup. … Slab Doors are cheaper than Pre Hung Doors since they are missing the frame and hinges.

What are the windows next to the front door called?

They are called "those small windows beside front doors".

What is a Prehung door?

When it's time to replace an ailing door or perhaps upgrade to something new, for most applications your best bet is going to be a prehung door unit. A prehung door simply means that the door is already mounted onto the frame, which saves you all the work of mortising the frame and the door to receive the hinges.

How do you clean a single hung window that doesn’t tilt?

Window replacement costs on average $175 to $700 per window. Common high-end windows types can cost between $800 to $1,200. Installation cost can depend on several factors.

Are double hung windows more expensive?

Double-hung windows may not always seal properly at the top edge, which may contribute to higher energy costs than single-hung windows. However, good-quality, energy-efficient windows can be found in both single- and double-hung varieties, but you may have to pay more for the better quality double-hung window.

How does a double hung window work?

Double hung windows work by sliding the bottom sash up or the top sash down. This means, only half of the window may remain open at one time.

What are the different types of windows?

How much will energy-efficient windows save you? The U.S. Department of Energy estimates that you'll save between $126 to $465 a year by replacing single-pane windows in your home. Already have double-pane windows? You can still reap savings by switching them out with energy-efficient ones, but far less.

Can you replace sliding windows with double hung?

One wider slider window can replace a row of double-hung windows. … But any style home can benefit from slider windows. They're an ideal choice for hard to reach places, such as above a kitchen sink or in a bathroom, because they're easy to slide open from side to side.

Who makes American Craftsman windows?

American Craftsman is owned by Andersen Windows and sells windows main through through big box stores, as well as some local dealers. They sell two models or series: the 50 and 70.

What does casement window mean?

A casement is a window that is attached to its frame by one or more hinges at the side. … Casement windows are often held open using a casement stay. Windows hinged at the top are referred to as awning windows, and ones hinged at the bottom are called hoppers.

Can you use a single hung window as a slider?

When it comes to installation, technically speaking you can place a single-hung window any way you want. Horizontal installation of a single-hung window, however, can lean to some serious problems, most notably a high degree of moisture penetration and resultant issues.

What is a slider window?

A sliding window is often described as a double hung window placed on its side. They can open from either the left or the right side to provide a wide view of your surroundings. Slider windows can also come with a variety of customization, from grids to personalized interior and exterior colors.