
What are the normal window settings for a TI 84 calculator?

What are the normal window settings for a TI 84 calculator?

By default the window size for the graph is -10 to 10 for the X and Y axes.

Why does my TI 84 calculator say invalid dim?

The TI‑84 Plus CE allows for undefined values on a graph. The ERR:INVALID DIMENSION error message may occur if you are trying to graph a function that does not involve the stat plot features. The error can be corrected by turning off the stat plots. To turn the stat plots off, press y , and then select 4:PlotsOff.

How do I reset my graphing calculator TI 84?

Q: How can I completely reset my TI 84 Plus back to the factory default settings?

  1. Press 2nd MEM (that is the second function of the + key)
  2. Choose 7 (Reset)
  3. Scroll right so that ALL is selected.
  4. Press 1.
  5. Press 2 (Reset, and read the warnings)

How do I change the settings on my TI-84?

TI-84: Mode Settings

  1. Students may change their MODE settings. Go to: [MODE].
  2. Students may have a problem with their Axes, Grid, or Graph Display. These are found at: [2nd] [FORMAT].
  3. Students may leave their plots ON when they are normally OFF. Stat Plots are at: [2nd] [STAT PLOT].
  4. Reset Defaults. Go to: [2nd] [MEM] “7: Reset”.

How do you program a TI 84 Plus calculator?

Here are the steps to set your graphing window:

  1. Press [WINDOW] to access the Window editor. See the first screen.
  2. Enter nMax. Choose a value of nMax that is as large as you might need; try 100.
  3. Enter the Xmin. Enter Xmin = 0 for an aesthetically pleasing graph.
  4. Enter the Xmax.
  5. Enter the Ymin.
  6. Enter the Ymax.

How do you enter a function into a graphing calculator?

To enter functions in the calculator, perform the following steps:

  1. Press [MODE] and put the calculator in Function mode. To highlight an item in the Mode menu, use the.
  2. Press ! to access the Y= editor. See the second screen.
  3. Enter your function. If necessary, press [CLEAR] to erase a previous function entry.

How do you make a stat plot on a TI-84?

TI-84: Setting Up a Scatter Plot

  1. Go to [2nd] “STAT PLOT”. Make sure that only Plot1 is ON.
  2. Go to Y1 and [Clear] any functions.
  3. Go to [STAT] [EDIT]. Enter your data in L1 and L2.
  4. Then go to [ZOOM] “9: ZoomStat” to see the scatter plot in a “friendly window”.
  5. Press [TRACE] and the arrow keys to view each data point.