What are the differences and similarities of quantitative and qualitative?

What are the differences and similarities of quantitative and qualitative?

Quantitative data can be counted, measured, and expressed using numbers. Qualitative data is descriptive and conceptual. Qualitative data can be categorized based on traits and characteristics. One type of data is objective, to-the-point, and conclusive.

Is texture qualitative or quantitative?

Quantitative Data — Comparison & Examples. Quantitative data, like length or mass, is counted or measured. Qualitative data, like color or texture, is observed or surveyed and can be subjective.

Is ductility qualitative or quantitative?

14 Cards in this Set

physical state qualitative state
ductility qualitative state
hardness qualitative state
brittleness qualitative state
melting point quantitative

Is odor qualitative or quantitative?

Quantitative Data. Qualitative data is descriptive data like color, taste, texture, smell, etc. Quantitative data, on the other hand, is data that is measurable. For example, qualitative data of milk might discuss it’s a white liquid.

Is toxicity qualitative or quantitative?

The reason toxicity is quantitative is that the level of toxicitydepends on how much of a toxic substance is present and that amountcan be measured (e.g. 1 micro-gram of ricin, or 5 mL of ChlorineTrifluoride).

What is toxicity assessment?

Toxicity assessment includes characterization of the toxicity of a chemical, development of a dose–response relationship, and ultimately the development of exposure criteria.

How do you evaluate toxicity?

Toxicity can be measured by the effect the substance has on an organism, a tissue or a cell. We know that individuals will respond differently to the same dose of a substance because of a number of factors including their gender, age and body weight. Therefore a population-level measure of toxicity is often used.

How can we evaluate toxicity and risk?

Evaluation of toxicity involves two steps: hazard identification and dose-response evaluation. Hazard identification includes a description of the specific forms of toxicity (neurotoxicity, carcinogenicity, etc.)

What are the 4 components of risk assessment?

There are four parts to any good risk assessment and they are Asset identification, Risk Analysis, Risk likelihood & impact, and Cost of Solutions. Asset Identification – This is a complete inventory of all of your company’s assets, both physical and non-physical.

What is the main objective of exposure assessment?

Explanation: Major objective of exposure assessment is to estimate the risk caused by the exposure of a chemical contaminant to an individual and ecosystem.

What is the main objective of toxicity assessment?

The goals of toxicity testing are to identify possible adverse effects of exposure to environmental agents, to develop dose-response relationships that can elucidate the severity of effects associated with known exposures, and ultimately to predict the effects of exposure of human populations.

What factors affect toxicity?

The toxicity of a substance usually depends on the following factors:

  • Form and innate chemical activity.
  • Dosage , especially dose -time relationship.
  • Exposure route.
  • Species.
  • Life stage, such as infant, young adult, or elderly adult.
  • Gender.
  • Ability to be absorbed.
  • Metabolism.

What is exposure in risk assessment?

With the goal of a risk assessment being to characterize the nature and magnitude of health risks from chemical contaminants and other stressors, the exposure assessment is the component that attempts to characterize who is exposed and how much are they exposed to.

What are the steps involved in evolution of toxicity?

Evaluation of toxicity involves two steps: hazard identification and dose-response evaluation.

What determines the toxicity of a chemical?

The toxicity of a substance depends on three factors: its chemical structure, the extent to which the substance is absorbed by the body, and the body’s ability to detoxify the substance (change it into less toxic substances) and eliminate it from the body.

Which of the following is the most important variable in the construction of soil liners?

1. Which of the following is the most important variable in the construction of soil liners? Explanation: Soil water content, type of compaction, compactive effort, size of soil clods are important variables in the construction of soil liners.

Why is Toxicology interesting?

Toxicology is a field of science that helps us understand the harmful effects that chemicals, substances, or situations, can have on people, animals, and the environment. Toxicology uses the power of science to predict what, and how chemicals may cause harm and then shares that information to protect public health.

What is an example of toxicology?

It may be chemical, physical, or biological in form. For example, toxic agents may be chemical (such as cyanide), physical (such as radiation) and biological (such as snake venom). If the invading organisms excrete chemicals which is the basis for toxicity, the excreted substances are known as biological toxins.

What are the main types of toxicology?

There are four primary types of toxicology screening:

  • medical testing.
  • employment drug testing.
  • forensic analysis.
  • athletics testing.