
What are some symbols in the road not taken?

What are some symbols in the road not taken?

The symbol of a road has been predominantly used to indicate the journey of Life. However, it signifies not only journey but also the destination. The metaphor of the road is used persistently in the poem, and is therefore an extended metaphor. The crossroad functions as an evocative metaphor for a vital decision.

Is the road not taken a metaphor?

The entirety of “The Road Not Taken” is an extended metaphor in which the road “less traveled” symbolizes the path of nonconformity. The speaker, when trying to choose which road to take, looks for the road that seems less worn.

What figurative language is used in the poem The Road Not Taken?

Metaphor is probably this poem’s most obvious example of figurative language. In fact, the metaphor applies throughout the entire poem, which makes it an extended metaphor if you’re being picky about it. The road in the poem is a metaphor for life and the path we take through it.

What we learn from the poem The Road Not Taken?

Through this poem, the poet tries to tell his readers that no matter which way/path you choose, you will always wonder ”what would have happened if I had chosen the other path?” Therefore, the path that you choose will no doubt make a difference in your life.

What is the author’s purpose in the road not taken?

Theme/ Author’s Purpose The author’s purpose for writing this poem was to to signify how important choices are in life. Every choice you make can have an impact on your life, so you have to choose carefully with every situation presented.

What is the wind a symbol of in the poem the wind?

Explanation: The wind symbolizes the brutal and raw power of nature, the wind god is symbol of strength and might, he despises weaklings and makes fun of them. Weaklings mean crumbling doors, frail houses, aged persons, these are the main targets of winds.

Are Lilies The flower of death?

In addition to these beautiful meanings, the lily also often features in funerals because it also symbolises transience and death. It is an excellent mourning flower.