What are some examples of hyphenated words?

What are some examples of hyphenated words?

Examples of hyphenated compound words include:

  • two-fold.
  • check-in.
  • merry-go-round.
  • father-in-law.
  • seventy-two.
  • long-term.
  • up-to-date.
  • mother-in-law.

How many types of hyphens are there?

three forms

How do I type an en dash?

Make an em dash or en dash with a keyboard shortcut less simple: you need to use an alt code to get an em dash. If you have a numeric keyboard, hold down the Alt key and type 0151 for an em dash or 0150 for an en dash.

Is forward slash AND or OR?

Although these symbols look similar, forward slashes and backslashes have different uses. The forward slash (/) can be used in place of “or” in less formal writing. It’s also used to write dates, fractions, abbreviations, and URLs.

Which slash is used in Linux?

Other operating systems use forward slashes for the same reason — it’s the Unix convention. Linux is a Unix-like operating system, so it uses the same type of slash.

What is dot command in Linux?

In a Unix shell, the full stop called the dot command (.) is a command that evaluates commands in a computer file in the current execution context. In C Shell, a similar functionality is provided as the source command, and this name is seen in “extended” POSIX shells as well.

What does forward slash mean in HTML?

hypertext markup language

What is Linux backslash?

The backslash is an upward-to-the-left sloping straight line character that is used mostly in a computer context. Its main use in Unix-like operating systems and in some programming languages (e.g., C and Perl) is as an escape character, that is, to indicate that the following character has a special meaning.

What is backslash in bash?

A non-quoted backslash ‘ \ ‘ is the Bash escape character. It preserves the literal value of the next character that follows, with the exception of newline .

How do you type a backslash in Linux?

Press the alt key to the right of the space bar ( alt gr ), and the key above the enter key (which should typically be hash on a US keyboard set to UK input – but on your laptop it is actually the \ key!). This should provide a backslash!

How do I override an alias in Linux?

Use a “\” (backslash) before the command to run it without the alias. The backslash escape character can be used before a shell command to override any aliases. For example if rm was made into an alias for rm -i then typing “rm” would actually run rm -i.

Where are alias stored in Linux?


How do I run an alias command in Linux?

What you need to do is type the word alias then use the name you wish to use to execute a command followed by “=” sign and quote the command you wish to alias. You can then use “wr” shortcut to go to the webroot directory. The problem with that alias is that it will only be available for your current terminal session.

What is Bash_aliases?

bash_aliases means source (load) _~/. bash_aliases_ in the context of the currently running shell.

What is a .bashrc file?

bashrc file determines the behavior of interactive shells. A good look at this file can lead to a better understanding of Bash. Emmanuel Rouat contributed the following very elaborate . bashrc file, written for a Linux system. bashrc file or even in your scripts.

What are some examples of hyphenated words?

What are some examples of hyphenated words?

Examples of hyphenated compound words include:

  • two-fold.
  • check-in.
  • merry-go-round.
  • father-in-law.
  • seventy-two.
  • long-term.
  • up-to-date.
  • mother-in-law.

What is a hyphen and examples?

A hyphen (-) is a punctuation mark used to join the separate parts of a compound word. To join the words of a compound adjective (e.g., “five-page” document) To join the words of compound noun (e.g., “cooking-oil”) To join a prefix to a word (e.g., “re-examine”).

How do you write hyphenated words?

Generally, you need the hyphen only if the two words are functioning together as an adjective before the noun they’re describing. If the noun comes first, leave the hyphen out. This wall is load bearing. It’s impossible to eat this cake because it is rock hard.

When should you hyphenate words?

How do you hyphenate two sentences?

Using the En Dash to Denote a Connection The en dash may also be used to indicate a connection between two words. Use an en dash when you need to connect terms that are already hyphenated or when you are using a two-word phrase as a modifier. When the dash is used in this way, it creates a compound adjective.

Where do you hyphenate words?

The Hyphen

  • Use a hyphen at the end of a line to divide a word where there is not enough space for the whole word.
  • Use a hyphen to indicate a word spelled out letter by letter.
  • Use a hyphen to join two or more words to form compound adjectives that precede a noun.
  • Use a hyphen to avoid awkward doubling of vowels.

Where do you use a hyphen?

Hyphen Use

  1. Use a hyphen to join two or more words serving as a single adjective before a noun:
  2. Use a hyphen with compound numbers:
  3. Use a hyphen to avoid confusion or an awkward combination of letters:

When should you use hyphens?

The Hyphen

  1. Use a hyphen at the end of a line to divide a word where there is not enough space for the whole word.
  2. Use a hyphen to indicate a word spelled out letter by letter.
  3. Use a hyphen to join two or more words to form compound adjectives that precede a noun.
  4. Use a hyphen to avoid awkward doubling of vowels.

Why do we hyphenate words?

Hyphens’ main purpose is to glue words together. They notify the reader that two or more elements in a sentence are linked. Although there are rules and customs governing hyphens, there are also situations when writers must decide whether to add them for clarity.

How do you know if a word is hyphenated?

How do you write a hyphen?

To create a hyphen using a U.S. keyboard, press the hyphen key. It’s on the same key as the underscore ( _ ), to the right of the zero key. The hyphen is easier to use on the numeric keypad with math formulas.

Which is an example of a hyphenated word?

Check a dictionary if you’re not sure whether to use a hyphen or not. Here are a few examples of common hyphenated compound words: Hyphenated words tend to become closed compounds (single words with no hyphens) over time. Email instead of e-mail, for example, is increasingly common.

When do you use no hyphen in a compound word?

Open Compound: Hyphen or No Hyphen? When a two-word descriptor takes the form of a compound noun (e.g., real estate, high school, sales tax ), hyphenation becomes a matter of preference.

When to use a hyphen to divide words?

Use a hyphen to divide words at the end of a line if necessary, and make the break only between syllables:

When to hyphenate at the end of a line?

For line breaks in words ending in -ing, if a single final consonant in the root word is doubled before the suffix, hyphenate between the consonants; otherwise, hyphenate at the suffix itself: