
What are some examples of breaking barriers?

What are some examples of breaking barriers?

Primary Sources for Possible “Breaking Barriers” Topics

  • Space Exploration.
  • Sports.
  • Technology.
  • Americans with Disabilities.
  • LGBTQ+ Rights.
  • Creating the Bill of Rights.
  • Free Speech.
  • The Spread of Slavery & Fugitive Slave Act.

How do you break down barriers?

5 tips for breaking down the barriers in your business

  1. Communicate a vision and common objectives.
  2. Encourage collaboration between teams.
  3. Create multi-skilled teams.
  4. Use collaborative tools.
  5. Resort to training.

What do you mean by barriers?

: something (such as a fence or natural obstacle) that prevents or blocks movement from one place to another. : a law, rule, problem, etc., that makes something difficult or impossible. : something that makes it difficult for people to understand each other.

What is a antonym for barrier?

Antonyms: admittance, entrance, opening, passage, road, thoroughfare, transit, way. Synonyms: bar, barricade, breastwork, bulwark, hindrance, obstacle, obstruction, parapet, prohibition, rampart, restraint, restriction.

What is another word for physical barriers?

Barrier Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for barrier?

barricade fence
roadblock bulwark
fencing fortification
palisade rampart
stockade enclosure

What are synonyms for barriers?


  • barricade.
  • blockade.
  • fence.
  • hurdle.
  • limit.
  • obstacle.
  • roadblock.
  • wall.

Are barriers and challenges the same?

What’s the Difference Between the Two?  Merriman Webster defines:  Barrier as “an obstacle that prevents or blocks movement from one place to another.”  Challenge as “to question the action or to say or show that something may not be true, or correct.”

What word means to block or put obstacles in the way?


What does block out mean?

1 : to hide or cover something so that it cannot be seen, felt, or heard Clouds blocked out the sun. We put on music to block out the sound of the traffic. 2 : to force oneself not to think about (something) He tried to block the event out.

How do you spell untamed?

Correct spelling for the English word “untamed” is [ʌntˈe͡ɪmd], [ʌntˈe‍ɪmd], [ʌ_n_t_ˈeɪ_m_d] (IPA phonetic alphabet)….Similar spelling words for UNTAMED

  1. undamaged,
  2. undimmed,
  3. untangled,
  4. untainted,
  5. untangle,
  6. undaunted,
  7. untanned,
  8. uneaten,

Is Untame a Scrabble word?

Yes, untame is in the scrabble dictionary.