
What are some easy French words?

What are some easy French words?

Learn Some Common French Words

  • Bonjour = Hello, Good morning.
  • Au revoir = Goodbye.
  • Oui = Yes.
  • Non = No.
  • Merci = Thank you.
  • Merci beaucoup = Thank you very much.
  • Fille = Girl.
  • Garçon = Boy.

What words start with U in French?

French Words That Start With U

U the letter U French alphabet
ulcérer (fig) – to sicken, appall; (medical) – ulcerate MdJ – U
ultime (adj) last, final, ultimate MdJ – U
un 1 Numbers

What English words originated French?

This may not, however, be the case for all English words of French origin. Consider, for example, some of the most common words in English: able, car, chair, city, country, different, fine, fruit, journey, juice, just, part, people, person, place, real, stay, table, travel, use, very, and wait.

What words start with M in French?

French Words That Start With M

M the letter M French alphabet
Mademoiselle Miss Politeness
un magasin store Shopping
un magasin de confection clothing store Shopping
maghreb (adj) – North African MdJ – M

What words start with N in French?

French Words starting with n – words from n.d. to Naples | Collins English Dictionary

  • n.d.
  • nabot.
  • nacelle.
  • nacre.
  • nacré
  • naevus.
  • nage.
  • nage indienne.

What words start with N that describe someone?

Adjectives That Start With N To Describe A Person

  • naive.
  • nameless.
  • narcissistic.
  • narrow-minded.
  • nasty.
  • native.
  • natural.
  • naughty.

What kind of adjective is her?

Possessive adjectives are a type of pronoun used before nouns. They explain ownership. Possessive adjectives include his, her, our, and my. There is a corresponding possessive adjective for each of the personal pronouns.