
What are literary devices?

What are literary devices?

Here are 10 of the most common literary devices:

  • Simile.
  • Metaphor.
  • Imagery.
  • Symbolism.
  • Flashbacks.
  • Foreshadowing.
  • Motif.
  • Allegory.

Who is literary figures of Gupta Age?

Answer: The Gupta period is remarkable for the production of secular literature, which consisted of a fair degree of ornate court poetry. Bhasa was an important poet in the early phase of the Gupta period and wrote thirteen plays. He wrote in Sanskrit, but his dramas also contain a substantial amount of Prakrit.

Who were the two great grammarians of the Gupta period?

The two great grammarians of this period were Panini and Patanjali.

Who is a Kumaramatya?

In the Gupta period the highest officer in a district was known as the kumaramatya and he was the link between centre and the district.

Who headed the local administration of villages and cities during the Gupta period?

By a group of officials called Kumaramatyas and Ayuktas. The Gupta kings gathered titles like Paramabhattaraka, Parameswara, Samrat ,Chakravartin and Maharajadhiraja. Bhuktis were divided into Vishyas or districts. The villages were governed by the group of Gramikas.

Why Gupta age is called golden period?

This period became known as the Golden Age of India because it was marked by extensive inventions and discoveries in science, technology, engineering, art, dialectic, literature, logic, mathematics, astronomy, religion, and philosophy.

What were the main features of Gupta administration?

Discuss two important features of Gupta administration​

  • The Guptas had strong central government, but they also allowed a certain degree of local government.
  • The king was the head of the administrative system.
  • The empire was divided into provinces or territorial divisions called Bhukti or Pradesh.

What is a Vishti in Gupta administration?

Answer. Vishti was form of forced labour extracted by either state, provincial governor or local chief. It is also mentioned on Gupta era copper inscriptions that enlist variety of taxes. Junagarh inscription mentions vishti as one form of tax, which indicates that it was extracted from Gujarat and Malwa region.

What was the head of the traders in the Gupta period called?

The ‘Sarthavaha,’ were the head of guild of traders and represented the various trading communities.

Who were in charge of town administration under the Gupta rule?

The Guptas organized a system of provincial and local administration. The empire was divided into divisions called bhukth, and each bhukti was placed under the charge of an uparika. The bhuktis were divided into districts (vishayas), which were placed under the charge of a vishayapati.

Who was a Dandanayaka in the Gupta administration?

Similarly the dandanayaka Madhava was also the tantrapala i.e., governor, stationed at Ujjain during the reign of Pratihara ruler Mahendrapala II18. nayakiti stands for daughter of a dandanayaka4t{ . gupta II, ibid., p. 218.

Who control the local assembly?

Most probably these assemblies were controlled by rich and powerful landowners and merchants. 1. Sabha was an assembly of brahmin land owners. It performed various roles and functioned through subcommittees, which looked after irrigation, agricultural operations, making roads, local temples etc.

Who gave Danda Nayaka title?

Some important administrative posts now became hereditary. For example, the poet Harishena was a maha-danda-nayaka, or chief judicial officer, like his father. At times, one person held many offices.

What were the changes in army after Gupta period?

In gupta period, the changes found in the army at this time by emerging modernized army. Well-ordered army can be maintained by the rulers. During this period, a modernized army can be emerged. An army can be maintained by military commanders and this can be provided to the rulers when they need.

What was nagaram Class 6?

The organization of merchants was called the nagaram. Usually, these assemblies were controlled by rich merchants and landowners. Such local assemblies survived for centuries in south India.

What changes do you find in the Army?

Answer: The changes made in the army at this time were: Kings of this time had a large and well maintained army, Except this regular army there were some military leaders who provided king with troops whenever they required. These military leaders were not paid salaries.

Who are known as Samantas?

Samantas was a name given to big landlords or warrior chiefs in different regions of the Indian subcontinent, by the existing kings of the seventh century. They were expected to bring gifts for their kings or overlords, be present in their courts and also provide them with military support.

What was Gangabai protesting about class 6?

Gangabai was protesting because the garbage was not being collected from the streets and if it remains uncollected it attracts rats, flies and dogs. Also people get ill from the smell. 2. Gangabai decided to approach the Ward Councillor because he has elected by them.

Who can perform sacrifices?

The raja who organised this kind of sacrifice was considered very powerful, and had a special seat such as a throne or tiger skin. His relatives, sons, and wives performed minor sacrifices, and the other rajas were mere spectators. Priests performed the ceremony and ordinary people called vish or vaishya brought gifts.

Who performed big sacrifices?

The Rajas that performed big sacrifices were recognized as the Rajas of Janapadas. 10.

Who was a central figure in the rituals?


What do you mean by Janapadas Class 6?

The word ‘janapada’ means the land where the ‘jana’ has set its foot. Capital cities were fortified with huge walls of wood, brick, or stone. The rulers of ‘mahajanapadas’ depended on occasional gifts brought by people, The rivers Narmada and Brahmaputra flowed through Magadha.