What are 3 elements in the same family?

What are 3 elements in the same family?

Lithium, Hydrogen, Sodium, or Oxygen, Sulfur, Selenium They are all in the same column. Find three elements in the same family and list them. 4. Oxygen, Carbon, Nitrogen, Aluminum, Silicon, Phosphorous They are all in the same row.

What is a family of elements?

Related elements, including the noble gases, halogens, alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, transition metals, lanthanides, and actinides. In addition, metals, nonmetals, and metalloids form loosely defined families. Other family designations—such as carbon family—are sometimes used.

Why do elements in the same family have the same characteristics?

Why do elements in the same family generally have similar properties? Elements in the same family have similar properties because they have the same number of valence electrons. So the nucleus has less of a effect on it’s electrons thus increasing the size of the atomic radius.

What are the 10 families of elements?

Terms in this set (10)

  • alkali family. group 1, hydrogen is not a member.
  • alkaline earth. group 2, also very reactive, only 2 valence electrons.
  • transition metals.
  • boron family.
  • carbon family.
  • nitrogen family.
  • oxygen family.
  • halogen family.

What are period elements?

A period in the periodic table is a row of chemical elements. All elements in a row have the same number of electron shells. Each next element in a period has one more proton and is less metallic than its predecessor.

What is the difference between a family of elements and elements in the same period?

The vertical columns on the periodic table are called groups or families because of their similar chemical behavior. All the members of a family of elements have the same number of valence electrons and similar chemical properties. The horizontal rows on the periodic table are called periods.

Why are elements arranged in periods?

Elements are arranged from left to right and top to bottom in order of increasing atomic number. The number of electrons in a period increases as one moves down the periodic table; therefore, as the energy level of the atom increases, the number of energy sub-levels per energy level increases.

How many shells does Period 2 have?

Period 2 elements obey the octet rule in that they need eight electrons to complete their valence shell, where at most eight electrons can be accommodated: two in the 2s orbital and six in the 2p subshell….Period 2 element.

Hydrogen Rubidium

What happens when you inhale pure nitrogen?

Nitrogen is an inert gas — meaning it doesn’t chemically react with other gases — and it isn’t toxic. But breathing pure nitrogen is deadly. That’s because the gas displaces oxygen in the lungs. Unconsciousness can occur within one or two breaths, according to the U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board.

Is Breathing hydrogen good for you?

Inhaled hydrogen gas effectively reduced ventilator-induced lung injury-associated inflammatory responses, at both a local and systemic level, via its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-apoptotic effects [88].

What does inhaling hydrogen do?

Inhalation of hydrogen gas suppresses hepatic injury caused by ischemia/reperfusion through reducing oxidative stress.

How much hydrogen is in the air?

It is made up of two hydrogen atoms, which are the first two elements to have been formed more than 13 billion years ago. Hydrogen is found in great quantities on Earth combined with other elements, such as in water and hydrocarbons, but it is barely present in our atmosphere, which contains just 0.00005%.