
Were any sharks really Puerto Ricans?

Were any sharks really Puerto Ricans?

4. Bad: Most of the Sharks were played by non-Latinx actors. Maria and Bernardo are Puerto Rican, but Natalie Wood and George Chakiris, the actors who played them, are not Latinx.

Who did their own singing in West Side Story?

Bryant performed a lot for movies and television shows. Most people may know him best for being the singing talent of Tony in West Side Story. Other notable roles include the ’60s TV show Batman. Actor Adam West quickly became the face of Batman when he starred in the series.

Are the Jets in West Side Story Polish?

On the west side of New York City, the Jets and the Sharks are Polish and Puerto Rican gangs respectively who hate each other and who battle each other for territory in their neighborhood. The sharks and the jets are rival gangs fighting for the same territory.

Why do the Sharks and Jets hate each other?

The Jets hate the Sharks because the Sharks are trying to take the Jets’ land. The Sharks hate the Jets because of racial insults and profiling.

Where did Maria meet Tony?

the bridal shop

Is West Side Story sad?

“West Side Story” has always been sad—it is, after all, an adaptation of a classic tragedy—but there is something especially cutting about the way its sadness manifests through the lives of the characters in this production.

How did Maria meet Tony?

Tony meets Maria on the fire escape outside her building, and they confirm what we all suspected: they’ve got it for each other bad. They know they’re on opposite sides of this fight, but they don’t care. Love will do that to you.

Who is Bernardo’s girlfriend?


Which of the lines best shows Tony and Maria’s affection for each other?

: Which of the lines best shows Tony and Maria’s affection for each other? “TONY: Come down!”

Who are krupke Schrank?

Schrank and Krupke are the law enforcement officials always trying to break up the fighting between the film’s two rival gangs, the white American gang the Jets and the Puerto Rican gang the Sharks.

What is the moral of West Side Story?

While the story revolves around Tony and Maria and two rival gangs, the Jets and the Sharks, the underlying themes dig deep into social issues that still resonate today. “They’re trapped in this world; in these cities, in these gangs – in this hate and discrimination and racism – and all that binds into one.”

Which jet is Riff’s best friend?

West Side Story Character Quiz

Action Second in command of the Jets; hot-tempered
Chino Maria’s fiance; Bernardo’s best friend; second in charge of the Sharks
Tony Riff’s best friend; co-founder of the Jets; doesn’t want to be a part of the gang life
Maria Bernardo’s sister; falls in love with Tony

Does riff die?

Tony again tries to stop the fight, pulling Riff away as he is about to finally stab Bernardo in the back, but Riff breaks away and charges again, only to be stabbed in the ribs by Bernardo, and Riff falls dead. In a sudden fit of anger, Tony takes Riff’s knife and avenges his death by stabbing Bernardo.

Who does Tony work for why is Tony working for him?

West Side Story

Why does Tony agree to help Riff? They are friends
How does Tony feel after he agrees to help? Regret
What is Tony looking for in life? A Purpose
Where does Tony work? The Drug Store – Doc’s

What is Maria’s message to the Jets and Sharks?

Angry at the death of another friend, the Jets move towards the Sharks but Maria takes Chino’s gun and tells everyone that “all of [them]” killed Tony and the others, and now she can kill, because now she hates, too.

What ethnicity are Maria and Anita?

Anita (Rita Moreno), is a Puerto Rican immigrant. She is the girlfriend of Bernardo and a close friend and confidante to his sister Maria. Anita’s character is based loosely on Juliet’s Nurse in Shakespeare’s Romeo & Juliet.