
Is you and your family correct grammar?

Is you and your family correct grammar?

Which is correct, “you and your family IS,” or “you and your family ARE”? Ask The Editor | Learner’s Dictionary. You should use are because “you and your family” is a plural subject. When the subject of a sentence has two parts joined by “and” it makes the subject plural, so you should use a plural verb.

Which is correct family’s or families?

When we refer to a house that belongs to a family, we say “family’s house”. Pluralizing family gives us “families”. Referring to the houses of several families, we say “families’ houses”. Forming the plural possessive in such a case is rather simple.

How do I make a word possessive?

The general rule is that the possessive of a singular noun is formed by adding an apostrophe and s, whether the singular noun ends in s or not. The possessive of a plural noun is formed by adding only an apostrophe when the noun ends in s, and by adding both an apostrophe and s when it ends in a letter other than s.

How do you write a possessive sentence?

Singular words, whether or not they end in s, are made possessive by adding an apostrophe + s. For plural words, we typically indicate possession simply by adding the apostrophe without an additional s. However, for a plural that does not end in an s (e.g., bacteria), we would add an apostrophe + s.

How do you use family?

Families Is Plural When two or more families get together, we have lots–or plural. If all those families together own something, we just add an apostrophe. For instance: The Smith families’ dogs.

Are Family Words List?

Family Vocabulary Word List

  • adoption. adoptive father. adoptive mother. ancestor. aunt.
  • bachelor. birth mother. blood relative. bride.
  • care-giver. child. childhood. children.
  • dad. daddy. daughter. daughter-in-law.
  • eligible. engaged. engagement. estranged.
  • faithful. family. family tree. father.
  • genealogy. grampa. gramps. grandchild.
  • half-brother. half-sister. heir. heiress.

How do you use families in a sentence?

He told her their families had a loose business affiliation. It was true enough, they were both Mafia. affirm Large families were a typical feature of agricultural communities in our country’s early history.