Is Unrational a word?
Is Unrational a word?
adjective. without the faculty of reason; deprived of reason. without or deprived of normal mental clarity or sound judgment. not in accordance with reason; utterly illogical: irrational arguments.
What is a synonym of irrational?
adj.illogical, senseless.
What is the opposite of rational?
“a rational analysis” Antonyms: irrational, superstitious, blind, unreasoning, nonrational, physical, reasonless, nonintellectual. Synonyms: intellectual, noetic.
Who is rational person?
A rational person is someone who is sensible and is able to make decisions based on intelligent thinking rather than on emotion. …
What are the benefits of rational thinking?
Benefits of Treating Rational Thinking as a Process
- Make thinking visible.
- Help in learning a new skill.
- Lessen our reliance on experience or “gut feel.” Experience can be a powerful teacher, but in a rapidly changing world, it has its limits.
- Apply the process in new or unfamiliar situations.
What’s the difference between logical and rational?
The main difference between Logic and Rational is that the Logic is a study of inference and demonstration and Rational is a quality or state of being agreeable to reason. Rationality is the quality or state of being rational – that is, being based on or agreeable to reason
How can I improve my rational thinking?
Speak about your opinions rationally.
- Have an explanation or evidence behind your opinions. It is important that you base your opinions on something.
- Be critical about evidence or information that sparks beliefs or opinions.
- Be open to changing your opinion if new evidence or arguments are presented.
What do you call a logical thinker?
ˈlɑːdʒɪkəl) Capable of thinking and expressing yourself in a clear and consistent manner. Synonyms. lucid coherent rational.
What’s another word for logically?
What is another word for logically?
reasonably | by reason |
agreeably | within reason |
astutely | shrewdly |
perspicaciously | sagaciously |
alertly | skillfully |
How do you test logical thinking?
The most common logical reasoning tests used by employers
- Talent Q Elements Logical Ability. the important feature of these tests is that they are adaptive.
- Kenexa Logical Reasoning. this test published by Kenexa is actually very similar in style to what SHL call an inductive reasoning test.
- Ravens Progressive Matricies.