
Is Unrational a word?

Is Unrational a word?

adjective. without the faculty of reason; deprived of reason. without or deprived of normal mental clarity or sound judgment. not in accordance with reason; utterly illogical: irrational arguments.

What is a synonym of irrational?

adj.illogical, senseless.

What is the opposite of rational?

“a rational analysis” Antonyms: irrational, superstitious, blind, unreasoning, nonrational, physical, reasonless, nonintellectual. Synonyms: intellectual, noetic.

Who is rational person?

A rational person is someone who is sensible and is able to make decisions based on intelligent thinking rather than on emotion. …

What are the benefits of rational thinking?

Benefits of Treating Rational Thinking as a Process

  • Make thinking visible.
  • Help in learning a new skill.
  • Lessen our reliance on experience or “gut feel.” Experience can be a powerful teacher, but in a rapidly changing world, it has its limits.
  • Apply the process in new or unfamiliar situations.

What’s the difference between logical and rational?

The main difference between Logic and Rational is that the Logic is a study of inference and demonstration and Rational is a quality or state of being agreeable to reason. Rationality is the quality or state of being rational – that is, being based on or agreeable to reason

How can I improve my rational thinking?

Speak about your opinions rationally.

  1. Have an explanation or evidence behind your opinions. It is important that you base your opinions on something.
  2. Be critical about evidence or information that sparks beliefs or opinions.
  3. Be open to changing your opinion if new evidence or arguments are presented.

What do you call a logical thinker?

ˈlɑːdʒɪkəl) Capable of thinking and expressing yourself in a clear and consistent manner. Synonyms. lucid coherent rational.

What’s another word for logically?

What is another word for logically?

reasonably by reason
agreeably within reason
astutely shrewdly
perspicaciously sagaciously
alertly skillfully

How do you test logical thinking?

The most common logical reasoning tests used by employers

  1. Talent Q Elements Logical Ability. the important feature of these tests is that they are adaptive.
  2. Kenexa Logical Reasoning. this test published by Kenexa is actually very similar in style to what SHL call an inductive reasoning test.
  3. Ravens Progressive Matricies.