Is there a movie for The House of the Scorpion?

Is there a movie for The House of the Scorpion?

And what about a The House of the Scorpion movie? Nancy Farmer’s book The House of the Scorpion HAS been optioned (which means someone buys the rights to shop it around to film companies) but so far has not been picked up by a film company.

What is an Eejit in House of the Scorpion?

Eejits are humans (and some animals) with computer chips in their brains. These computer chips eliminate their free will, subjecting them to the orders of the druglords and farmers in Opium. Even animals, though they do not give up their humanity, give up their free will and personality.

How did furball die?

Furball is Maria’s pet dog. Originally thought to be killed by Matt, it was later revealed to have been poisoned by Felicia using laudanum.

Does Maria die in the House of the Scorpion?

María thinks that her mom is dead, but it turns out she’s alive and well – and writing books about the awfulness of Opium. So her dad is in with El Patrón and her mom is protesting against the same man.

Why Did Matt make Tom and Maria leave?

Why did Matt make Tom and Maria leave? He wanted them to leave because Matt didn’t like Tom and Maria kept forgiving Tom.

Who is Tom in The House of the Scorpion?

Tom is the illegitimate son of Mr. MacGregor and Felicia. He has red hair and blue eyes like his father. He is cruel and vicious, attempting to kill animals and tormenting Matt and María as children.

What is the main conflict in the House of the Scorpion?

One of the main conflicts in the book were character vs. society. All of the people who live in the country except Matt’s friends were against the fact of Matt being a clone. They always made comments to make him feel bad or would just completely ignore him.

Who is the antagonist in the House of the Scorpion?

Matteo Alacrán, mostly known as El Patrón, is the main antagonist in the 2002 dystopian novel The House of the Scorpion. He is the most powerful of the drug lords, and he is also the ruler of Opium. Matt (the main protagonist) is a clone of him.

What was Celia’s plan to free Matt?

She mistreats Matt by taking away his bed, clothing (except shorts), and waste bucket. He lives in filth and eventually sawdust – which he burrows through and plays in. Another boy, Tom, comes to see Matt and insults him.

What did Matt steal from Felicia?

Matt found bottles of laudanum in Felicia’s closet.

Why did Matt save his food?

Matt saved his food to attract insects to entertain himself. He threw a rotten orange at his face. He shoots peas at Matt to get revenge. She brings Celia to see Matt.

Why was Matt so upset by Tam Lin’s departure?

Matt is upset at Tam Lin’s departure. He’s upset that Tam Lin is disappointed in Matt for not accepting responsibility for the death of the dog and because Tam Lin treated him like a human, not just a “beast” like the others. Tom is banished from the house for showing Maria and Matt Mr. MacGregor’s clone.

Where do the bodyguards take Matt?

Where do the bodyguards take Matt? How does he respond? They take Matt to the hospital but he tries to escape.

What did Matt demand of Maria at the party?

Matt is angry at her for embarrassing him in front of the party. He thinks about how he’s unjustly treated differently because he is a clone. He demands María give him a birthday kiss, because he can have anything he wants on his birthday.

Why did Matt keep his intelligence?

We learn that Matt was allowed to keep his intelligence, as was El Patron’s other clones, so that his clones could live the child hood El Patron did not have a chance to enjoy. El Patron feels he is “owed” the lives of his siblings who died at a young age; he is the only one of eight to live to adulthood.

Who is Tom’s real father?


Who is El Viejo?

El Viejo is El Patrón’s grandson and Mr. Alacrán’s father. Unlike El Patrón, El Viejo will not use clone organ transplants in order to extend his life. El Viejo is deeply religious and believes choosing not to treat his cancer is following God’s will.

How old is Tom in The House of the Scorpion?

140 years old

Who is the main character in The House of the Scorpion?


How does Matt change in the House of the Scorpion?

Throughout the story, Matt develops changes in his personality as well as his physique. Matt is treated like trash by everyone who lives with him, the guards, the maids, everyone, except for his three good friends Maria, Tam Lin, and Celia. Matt displays many forms of his personality within the House of the Scorpion.

What did El Patron’s birthday mean for Matt?

What did El Patron’s birthday mean for Matt? El Patron’s birthday was a day when everyone had to be nice to Matt, because it was Matt’s birthday as well. Matt enjoyed his new power, finally being able to treat people as they treated him.

How is Matt supposed to have killed furball?

El Patron thought that the bigger the gift to Matt was, the more they loved him. People think that Matt killed Furball by giving him laudanum. Senator Mendoza found Matt’s fingerprints in the bottle of laudanum which was used to overdose Furball.

What is Maria’s gift to Matt?

Maria snatches the gift away from Matt because Matt made tom sit at the kids table. Matt makes Maria kiss him. Maria cries because mat humiliates her in front of 200 people. How does Felicia trick Matt into going to the hospital?

How does Matt feel about El Patron?

Matt to El Patron relationship started of excellent. El Patron was one of the only people who liked him. He protected him and gave him everything he wanted. Matt grew to like him because he knew that El Patron created him and also because he was really nice to him.

Where does Matt live in the house of the scorpion?

The protagonist, Matt, is a clone of El Patrón. For the first six years of his life, he lives in a small house on the edge of the poppy fields with Celia, a cook working in El Patrón’s mansion. When he is discovered by three children, Emilia, Steven, and Maria, he smashes a window and jumps out of the house.

Why is Matt sure he will not be used for spare parts?

Why is Matt sure he will not be used for spare parts? He is not large enough. He has been treated so well. He is too valuable.

Why does Matt weep for El Patron?

Why does Matt weep for Celia, Tam Lin, and El Patron? Matt cries for Celia because he thinks she is an eejit trapped in the stables. He cries for Tam Lin because he is trapped in his own guilt. He cries for El Patron because he is closer to anyone in the world.

What did Matt find at the canyon?

Matt finds a metal chest at the Oasis, left for him by Tam Lin, containing food, camping supplies, books, and maps. El Viejo dies and everyone comes to the estate for the funeral.

What does El Patron tell his family about Matt?

El Patrón makes a speech to the whole family in which he says that Matt is most important person in his life and should always be treated with respect, just as they would treat El Patrón with respect. He declares Matt is to be educated and well-treated.

How does Matt bring El Patron back to reality?

El Patron has a heart attack and Matt is cleaned up and hurried to the hospital. Matt wants to question Tam Lin about his actions as a terrorist. El Patron survives thanks to a “piggy back heart” and Matt is not neared.