
Is there a horde flight path in Western Plaguelands Classic?

Is there a horde flight path in Western Plaguelands Classic?

For the Horde: Head to Undercity and leave through the north front entrance, not the sewers. Follow the path east and it will take your through the mountains and into the Wester Plaguelands. Be sure to get the quests before you go into the Plaguelands.

Where is Light’s Hope Chapel?

Eastern Plaguelands

What Lies Beneath Light’s Hope Chapel?

Underneath the chapel is a catacomb which houses the remains of the heroes of Lordaeron. Many of the remains were exhumed and moved to the chapel so they could not be resurrected in the service of the Lich King.

Where is stratholme located?

Eastern Kingdoms

What level should I be for stratholme?

Stratholme is a single dungeon that is often split by players into 2 wings: the Live and Undead wings. Stratholme Undead is recommended for players between Level 55 and 60.

Why is stratholme still burning?

It was on fire in Cataclysm. If Blizzard wanted to depict Stratholme as “updated” to no longer be on fire then they could just swap out the skybox with a normal EPL one, and remove the fire animations and leave burned out buildings that are already there. It’s intentional that Stratholme is still on fire.

What level can you do stratholme Classic?

Stratholme undead, also known as Strat UD, is a dungeon for levels 56-60, boasting a good amount of pre-raid BiS gear for most classes.

What level is ZF Classic?

Zul’Farrak Dungeon Overview Zul’Farrak is a level 44-54 dungeon located in the northwest corner of Tanaris in Classic WoW. Due to its excellent loot tables, rewarding quests, and engaging layout, ZF is considered to be one of the most popular dungeons in the game.

What level is uldaman Classic?


How do you get to uldaman Classic?

The entrance to Uldaman is in the far north of the Badlands, just along the border with Loch Modan. To reach the instance, you should follow the tunnels until you come to the first open area. Drop down into the centre and follow the tunnel underneath to the next open area, Dig One.

How do I get to Ironaya in uldaman?

To summon Ironaya, you need to obtain the Gni’kiv Medallion ( from Baelog’s Chest and The Shaft of Tsol (, which drops from from Revelosh.