Is there a comma before at least?

Is there a comma before at least?

“At least” is an adverbial phrase. When it falls at the end of a sentence, it usually falls there as an afterthought and doesn’t flow grammatically with what came before. As such, it should always be set off by a comma.

What does at the very least mean?

—used to indicate the least thing that is true, acceptable, desirable, or certain to happen He wanted to win the race, or at the least, to finish second.It will change your life or, at the very least, teach you something new.At the very least, she deserves to be heard.

Does very very have a comma?

We typically don’t use commas to separate single-word adverbs from the words (verb, adjective, or adverb) they modify. So we do separate two instances of the same adverb with a comma—It was a very, very nasty day.

What does the last but not least mean?

—used to say that a final statement is not less important than previous statements The television is big, has an excellent picture, and last but not least, it’s cheap.

How do you say last but not least differently?

Synonyms for Last but not least:

  1. inter alia,
  2. lastly,
  3. whatnot,
  4. thirdly,
  5. Et cetera,
  6. secondly.

What can I say instead of last but not least?

What is another word for last but not least?

finally finally yet importantly
not least of all lastly
just as importantly ultimately
last in closing
to conclude in conclusion

Are u older than 18 means?

Senior Member Orcinus, over 18 means that you can be 18 years old and a day or you can be 30 for example.

What does least likely mean?

It is another way of saying lower chance of happening. For example, It is least likely to rain tomorrow means that the chances of it raining tomorrow are low.

What Does Not to say the least mean?

to not describe something in the strongest way you could, often in order to be polite: The dinner was not tasty, to say the least.

What is the meaning of not to mention?

B2. used when you want to emphasize something that you are adding to a list: He’s one of the kindest and most intelligent, not to mention handsome, men I know.

Where do we use mention not?

When you are telling someone “don’t mention it”, what you are telling them not to mention is the ‘thank you’ itself — you are saying “Your thanks isn’t necessary. I was glad to do it, so you didn’t need to mention your thanks.”