Is sodium phenolate an acid or base?

Is sodium phenolate an acid or base?

Sodium phenoxide (sodium phenolate) is an organic compound with the formula NaOC6H5. It is a white crystalline solid. Its anion, phenoxide, also known as phenolate, is the conjugate base of phenol….Sodium phenoxide.

Chemical formula C6H5NaO
Molar mass 116.09 g/mol

Is phenol an acid or base?

Phenol is a very weak acid and the position of equilibrium lies well to the left. Phenol can lose a hydrogen ion because the phenoxide ion formed is stabilised to some extent. The negative charge on the oxygen atom is delocalised around the ring. The more stable the ion is, the more likely it is to form.

Is sodium phenoxide a salt?

Sodium Phenoxide is the sodium salt of phenol. It may be used as a preservative or cosmetic biocide in cosmetics and personal care products. Sodium Phenoxide helps to cleanse the skin or to prevent odor by destroying or inhibiting the growth of microorganisms.

What is the formula of sodium phenoxide?


What is the formula of sodium benzoate?


What is Phenoxide ion?

A phenoxide ion is the conjugate base of phenol. Phenoxide is a conjugate base, this implies that it is formed from an acid that has given up its hydrogen. This acid is a phenol molecule. The hydrogen of the hydroxyl leaves, and an O− remains, forming the ‘oxide ion’ part of the phenoxide ion.

Why is carboxylate more stable than Phenoxide ion?

The carboxylate ion is more stable than the phenoxide ion. This is because in the phenoxide ion, the negative charge resides on one electronegative oxygen atom and the lesser electronegative carbon atoms. Consequently their contribution towards resonance stabilisation of the phenoxide ion is less.

Why carboxylic acid is more stronger than phenol?

Carboxylic acids dissociate in water to form carboxylate ion and the hydronium ion. Therefore, the carboxylate ion exhibits higher stability in comparison to phenoxide ion. Hence, the carboxylic acids are more acidic than phenols.

Which is the stronger acid in each of the following pairs?

1 Answer. Ernest Z. H2SeO4 is the stronger acid.

Which is more acidic CH3COOH or clch2cooh?

Cl-CH2COOH is a stronger acid than CH3COOH : Chloroacetic acid ( Cl-CH2COOH) pKa value is equal to 2.7, while pKa value of acetic acid (CH3COOH) is equal to 4.7.

Which acid is stronger CH3COOH or CH2FCOOH?

The weakest acid is therefore CH3COOH, because there is nothing to pull electrons away from the COO- end of the ion formed. So CH2ClCOOH is next in the list, and CH2FCOOH is the strongest of these acids.

Which of the following is a strong acid CH3COOH?

So, the strongest acid is CCl3COOH.

Which has maximum pKa value?

As we move down the group, acidic strength increases so water is weakest acid and have highest pKa value.

What does a higher pKa value mean?

The higher the pKa of a Bronsted acid, the more tightly the proton is held, and the less easily the proton is given up. The pKa scale as an index of proton availability. Low pKa means a proton is not held tightly. pKa can sometimes be so low that it is a negative number! High pKa means a proton is held tightly.

In which of the following cases is the acid strength highest?

So, for Kb=10−11, the acid strength is high.