Is it reign or rein?

Is it reign or rein?

Do You ‘Rein In’ or ‘Reign In’ Something? The correct phrase for bringing something under control is rein in, not reign in. Rein in is an allusion to pulling on the reins of a horse in order to exercise more control.

What does rein it in mean?

to limit or control

What rein means?

transitive verb. 1 : to control or direct with or as if with reins. 2 : to check or stop by or as if by a pull at the reins reined in her horse couldn’t rein his impatience. intransitive verb. 1 : to stop or slow up one’s horse or oneself by or as if by pulling the reins.

What does it mean to ring in the new year?

1 : to celebrate the beginning of (something, such as a new year) How did you ring in the new millennium? We’re going to New York to ring in the New Year.

How did you bring in the New Year meaning?

But what do they each mean? “Bringing in the new year” is the more literal of the two phrases. By saying this, you’re suggesting that we are leaving the old year behind in order to escort or carry in the new. (After the events of the previous year, this seems pretty appropriate.)

What is the significance of the word ringed?

Answer. The word ringed signifies that the aunt was still ringed with the ordeals even after her death due to unhappy and bad experience of her married life. The word ‘ringed’ means ‘encircled’,here encircled with ordeals of her unhappy and bad experience of her married life.

Why is it significant that the poet uses the word ringed What are the meanings of the word ringed in the poem?

What are the meanings of the word ‘ringed’ in the poem? The word ‘ringed’ not only indicates that she is wearing her wedding ring but also that she is bound by the responsibilities, fear and oppression of her marriage for entire life and, probably, after it too.

What does ringed with ordeals imply?

‘Ordeals’ stands for bitter and unpleasant experiences of her married life. The poet uses the word ‘ringed’ which suggests that Aunt Jennifer is still surrounded by the bitter experiences of her past life. The another meaning of the word ‘ringed’ is encircled.

Why did Aunt embroider Tigers on the panel?

Answer: To express her bitterness and anger against male dominance, Aunt Jennifer chooses to embroider tigers on the panel. The nature of tigers symbolizes strength, fearlessness and splendour which is in sharp contrast to her own meek nature because of which she has suffered endlessly.

Why did Aunt Jennifer choose only Tiger for her tapestry?

Aunt Jennifer chose to embroider tigers on the panel in order to represent her silent revolt against the uncle’s authoritative attitude and harsh nature. She wished to be free and strong like the prancing tigers. They pace in the panel in ‘Chivalries Certainty’.

Why has Aunt Jennifer made prancing tigers?

Answer: Aunt Jennifer has tried to express herself through her art. She has created proud, prancing, unafraid tigers on her panel because she wants herself to be like her tigers, confident with freedom to live her life in her own way. The tigers that she has made will remain the same even when Aunt Jennifer is dead.

How is Aunt Jennifer different from her tiger?

In the poem ‘Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers’, the tigers are portrayed by Aunt Jennifer completely opposite to her own character. The tigers that she had drawn are portrayed as fearless, confident, proud and not bound by anything or anyone. In contrast, Aunt Jennifer has an unfree and oppressed life.

Does Aunt Jennifer find a refuge in her art?

Answer. Aunt Jennifer has a troubled married life with a domineering and oppressive husband. She tries to find refuge in art, but even here, she cannot leave behind the weight of her conjugal life. Thus, her hands quiver so much that she cannot pull even the needles through the base cloth.

Why does Aunt Jennifer created animals which are so different?

Solution : In creating animals that are different from her own character, Aunt Jennifer found a means of living an alternate life that is denied to her: a life that is proud, free, fearless and sure of itself. The tigers denote her yearning for power, freedom and fearless living.

Do you think Aunt Jennifer is both a victim and an oppressor?

Aunt Jennifer was a victim of oppression received from her husband in her marriage life. She was an oppressor as the tigers which she has embroidered on the panel were a symbol for freedom and fearlessness which Aunt Jennifer dreamed to acquire.

What is Aunt Jennifer state of mind?

Aunt Jennifer is depressed. She is burdened with the thoughts of oppression’s by her husband she had suffered. That is why she is knitting a tiger which is strong and not scared of anyone. She is creating the image of the tiger which is just her opposite.

What is suggested by the phrase massive weight of Uncle’s wedding band?

The ‘wedding band’ that the poet talks about was the wedding ring worn by Aunt Jennifer. The image ‘massive weight of Uncle’s wedding band’ suggests that she was overburdened with duties and responsibilities, post her marriage.

What fact is suggested through find the ivory needle hard to pull?

b) Her finding it difficult to pull her ivory needle is symbolic. Literally it means that she is weak and frail and is finding it difficult to pull the heavy ivory needle. Symbolically it refers to her strenuous life after marriage. c) Wedding band stands for the binding of marriage.

Why does the wedding band seem too heavy?

It implies that Aunt Jennifer was trapped in gender oppression and feels herself burdened by the authority of her husband. The wedding band symbolises the ordeals and constraints of married life of aunt jennifer. She was ‘ringed’ with the troubles of married life so the wedding band seemed heavy to her.

What are the ordeals aunt Jennifer is surrounded by?

Aunt Jennifer is surrounded by the ordeals of the heavy responsibilities of her married life towards the family and towards Uncle Jennifer. The poetess used the word ‘ringed’ to point that Aunt was surrounded by the responsibilities which encircled her like a ring that surrounds the finger.

What is the status of aunt in her family?

Ans: In the third stanza, the poet refers to Aunt Jennifer’s ‘terrified hands’. The old unhappy memories are still fresh in her mind. She had passed through many testing and horrible times during her married life. These ordeals crushed and suppressed her.

Who mastered the aunt with ordeals?

(i) She is Aunt Jennifer. She has mastered by her ordeals.

What did Aunt Jennifer do to face the terror?

Detailed Answer : She embroiders jumping tigers to face the terror. Detailed Answer : The result of her effort is a panel full of tigers but she can’t overcome her fear.

What difficulty does Aunt Jennifer face while making her tigers and why?

The problem faced by aunt Jennifer while making the tigers is that her hands are fluttering while making the tigers because of the massive weight of her husband’s wedding band which sits heavily on her hand. It is like a burden that makes even the ivory needle hard to pull.

Why does the poet use massive weight and sits heavily for uncle’s ring?

‘Massive weight of uncle’s wedding band’ represents the marriage band between Jennifer and uncle. It suggests the harsh and difficult experiences of her married life. After marriage she had lost all her freedom.