
Is it OK to feed cows fresh cut grass?

Is it OK to feed cows fresh cut grass?

Grazed grass is often touted as the cheapest feed for cows – but it may not be the most efficient use of a good crop. “By mowing before grazing cows go in and eat the lot, but if you top afterwards it leaves a thick mat and the grass gets dirty. Cows won’t eat it.”

Can you use grass clippings as hay?

Although you can’t make haystacks as above form suburban lawn (you’ll need taller grass and lots of it), grass clippings are excellent for making hay in smaller amount. The two most important things to check are: Lawn shouldn’t be chemically treated: no weed killing solution or chemical fertiliser used.

What grass makes the best hay?

Kentucky bluegrass, orchardgrass and timothy are all examples of common grasses used for hay. Benefits: Grass hay is lower in protein and energy than legume hay — but it’s also higher in fiber, which can make it a good choice for many horses.২ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১৫

What can I plant for hay?

Hay is basically dried vegetation: usually a legume such as alfalfa or clover, or a grass such as timothy or brome. It’s one crop that can be raised with proper care in any part of the country where weeds will grow, and it’s a must for any self-sufficient farmer who keeps livestock.

Is all grass hay?

Hay is basically a grass that is cut green, then dried and baled. When oat seeds are planted, they first grow as a grass. When it looks like grass, it can be cut and baled as hay. Like all grasses, if oats are allowed to just keep growing, they go to seed.৭ ফেব, ২০১৯

What’s the difference between grass and hay?

The main difference between Hay and Grass is that the Hay is a dried grass, legumes or other herbaceous plants and Grass is a family of plants. Hay is also fed to smaller animals such as rabbits and guinea pigs. Pigs may be fed hay, but they do not digest it as efficiently as fully herbivorous animals.৮ এপ্রিল, ২০১৮

Why do hay bales sit in fields?

Storing bales reduces the number of exposed surfaces and can reduce losses, especially if shelter can be provided. Once the bales have cooled, the bales can be taken to the feed yard and stacked. Unless the bales are used for bale grazing, leaving that hay out in the fields until freeze-up can prove expensive.২৯ আগস্ট, ২০১৭

How much is in a bale?

Rectangle Bales

Size Dimension(L x H x W) Weight
2 stringed bale 36 inches x 19 inches x 16 inches 40 to 75 lbs.
3 stringed bale 44 inches x 22 inches x 15 inches 100 to 140 lbs.
Half ton 6 ft x 4 ft x 3 ft 1000 lbs.
1 Ton 8 ft x 4 ft x 4 ft 2000 lbs.

Is haylage better than hay?

Many equine nutritionists now recommend feeding haylage instead of hay although there are pros and cons to each. Haylage is much closer to the horses natural diet of grass, both in texture and nutritional value it is more palatable and digestible than hay, has a higher nutritional value and is less dusty.২১ মার্চ, ২০১৭

What moisture should you bale hay?

22 percent moisture

How much is a roll of net wrap?

Vermeer product price comparison*:

Cost per roll Cost per bale
Twine $28 $0.50 – $0.55
Netwrap $225 $1.25 – $1.45
Plastic Wrap $85 $3.60 – $3.80

What is the best hay baler?

What is the best round baler for your farm?

  • John Deere 459 Round Baler.
  • John Deere 469 Round Baler.
  • John Deere 559 Round Baler.
  • John Deere 569 Round Baler.
  • John Deere 569 Silage Special Baler.
  • John Deere 854 Silage Baler.
  • John Deere 569 Premium Round Baler.
  • John Deere 469 Premium Round Baler. The next options for Deere round balers are the premium 469 and 569.

How do you know when hay is dry enough to bale?

Breaking stems in half or twisting them in a circular motion to see if the stems break cleanly will give farmers the go-ahead to bale. “If all the stems break and crack that’s an indication that the hay is cured and then you can rely on the moisture test that you’re getting from the probe,” Yaremcio said.২৭ জুলাই, ২০১২

Can you bale wet hay?

The first thing to keep in mind when dealing with wet hay is that moisture can easily lead to combustion. Twenty percent moisture is about the highest level that bales should reach. Even in bales that are not at risk for fire, wet bales will continue to decrease in quality.১ নভেম্বর, ২০১৯