
Is it OK to connect brass to stainless steel?

Is it OK to connect brass to stainless steel?

Connecting stainless steel plumbing pipes to brass fittings and pipes is risky. Unless you know the specific types of stainless steel and brass, it should be avoided. This is because only certain types of stainless steel and brass can be used together.

Are dielectric unions required by code?

The code usually specifies a "dielectric device" of some kind, not necessarily a union. Flexible copper supplies, dielectric nipples, etc., all qualify.

Do dielectric nipples work?

Dielectric Nipples. … One of the many varieties is dielectric nipples. To put it simply, dielectric nipples can be used in any plumbing system to establish a link between two pipes made of disparate metals. One good example of disparate metals used in these systems frequently is the use of galvanized steel and copper.

Are SharkBite fittings dielectric?

No, the standard SharkBite fittings (i.e. Coupling, Elbow, Tee) cannot be used as a dielectric union. The SharkBite Stainless Steel Braided Flexible Coupling Hoses can be used as a dielectric union.

Can you mix galvanized and copper?

Galvanized pipes should not be connected directly to copper pipes, period. The only time one can successfully replace a section of galvanized pipe with a section of copper is to make use of a dielectric union to ensure the metals do not have direct contact. … Brass is an alloy of copper and nickel.

What fitting is required for copper with galvanized pipe?

Most newer water heaters have dielectric unions pre-installed on the inlet and outlet ports, but older ones may simply have galvanized fittings. Installing a dielectric union to join these, as well as other galvanized pipes in your house, to copper requires both wrench and soldering work.