Is Garnet more valuable than Ruby?

Is Garnet more valuable than Ruby?

Specifically, you don't want to pay for a ruby and wear a garnet. At a brief glance, they look very similar. However, rubies are considered one of the most valuable gemstones whereas garnets are, well, not. Rubies are harder, a much more brilliant red, and much more expensive.

Are garnets worth any money?

Prices range from $500 a carat for good colors with some inclusions, to $2,000 to $7,000 for clean larger stones with top color. Demantoid garnet is the rarest and most valuable of the garnets and is one of the rarest of all colored gemstones. It is remarkable for its brilliance and fire.

How can you tell if its a real ruby?

Real rubies glow with a deep, vivid, almost "stoplight" red. Fake gems are often dull: they are "light, but not bright." If the gem is more of a dark red, then it may be garnet instead of a ruby. If it is a real ruby, however, know that darker stones are usually worth more than lighter stones.

What color garnet is most valuable?

Almandine: The most common gemstone in the garnet family comes in a wide range of colors. The blend of almandine-pyrope is the dark red variety popularly associated with garnets. Andradite: One of the rarest garnets. These gems have the highest dispersion of all garnets and have even more fire than diamond.