
Is Flex Seal good for concrete?

Is Flex Seal good for concrete?

Flex Seal can be used on almost every surface: wood, metal, tile, concrete, masonry, fabric, glass, plastic, aluminum, porcelain, drywall, rubber, cement, and vinyl. Plus, it won’t sag or drip in the summer heat, and it won’t crack or peel in the winter cold. It even prevents corrosion.

How do you keep concrete from cracking?


  1. Start with a sound subgrade. Make sure the subgrade is compacted.
  2. Modify the concrete mix. Use a low water-to-cement ratio.
  3. Install joints. Be active in deciding where control joints will be placed.
  4. Properly cure the concrete. Properly curing concrete slabs: Why and how to cure.

What is the best concrete crack filler?

The Top 7 Best Concrete Crack Fillers for 2021 are:

  • Bluestar Flexible Concrete Crack Filler.
  • EZR Hairline Crack Sealer.
  • Red Devil Pre-Mixed Concrete Patch.
  • PC-Concrete Two-Part Epoxy Adhesive Paste.
  • DRYLOK Fast Plug Hydraulic Cement.
  • Dalton Enterprises 35099 PLI-STIX.
  • Damtite Concrete SuperPatch.

What is a hairline crack in concrete?

A.: ACI 116R-90, Cement and Concrete Terminology, defines hairline cracks as cracks in an exposed concrete surface having widths so small as to be barely perceptible.

Can hairline cracks in concrete be repaired?

You can repair hairline cracks in concrete with a grout made of Portland cement and water. After the hairline crack has been moistened and thoroughly cleaned, apply the grout with a putty knife or pointing trowel. Force the grout into the crack as much as possible.

Do hairline cracks need to be repaired in stucco?

It has a high water content and develops a lot of very small shrinkage cracks as it dries, which can cause a patch to break apart prematurely. A better approach is to repair dead hairline cracks ā€” where the stucco is stable and the cracks don’t change size or reappear ā€” by dusting them with premixed, pigmented stucco.

Will paint cover hairline cracks in stucco?

Hairline cracks are anywhere from 1/16 of an inch to 1/8 of an inch wide (typically) and are easily and effectively repaired using caulking and paint, in most cases because it is the most economical approach for most people.

Can hairline cracks in stucco cause leaks?

Hairline cracks aren’t as serious as deep cracks. However, they can provide a pathway for moisture and water to enter into a wall system. As an example, water that gets behind stucco will soften the material it comes in contact with, eventually causing stucco to break away and fall off in sheets.

How do I keep my stucco from cracking?

Solution: To lower the risk of drying shrinkage cracking, the following measures should be implemented:

  1. thoroughly wet highly absorbent/rough-textured masonry before applying stucco;
  2. follow the recommended mix ratios, avoiding cement rich mixes;
  3. damp-cure newly applied stucco in hot and dry weather conditions;

What can I use to seal cracks in stucco?

QUIKRETE Stucco Repair or QUIKRETE Pre-Mixed Stucco Patch can be used.

  • Widen the crack to a minimum of 1/4 inch using a chisel and hammer (the edges of the crack should be vertical or beveled in an inverted ā€œVā€).
  • Break away any deteriorating concrete and remove loose material with a brush.