
How much does WebAssign cost?

How much does WebAssign cost?


Included in Subscription Cengage Unlimited eTextbooks Cengage Unlimited
Hard copy textbook rentals Up to 4 free hard copy rentals for eligible courses (shipping and handling $7.99 per rental).
Cost for 4-month access Longer Cengage Unlimited subscriptions are available. $69.99 $119.99

Do I need cengage Unlimited for WebAssign?

In fall 2019, 4 out of 10 math students signing up for a WebAssign course chose a Cengage Unlimited subscription as their purchase option. Since we still get questions from faculty about Cengage Unlimited, we don’t want to assume you know everything.

How do you get more submissions on Webassign?

If your instructor allows you to request more time or more submissions for an assignment, a Request Extension link is displayed in the assignment. Your instructor can allow automatic or manual extension requests for all assignments, for some assignment categories, or for no assignments.

How do I get on WebAssign?

Enroll Yourself With a Class Key

  1. Go to
  2. If needed, sign in or create an account. Sign in.
  3. Enter your class key and click Register.
  4. If the correct class and section is listed, click Confirm to Register. If the listed class or section is not correct, click Not my Course and try entering your class key again.

How do you do a test on WebAssign?

Your Guide to Administering Tests and Quizzes in WebAssign

  1. Create an Assignment Category for Quizzes and/or Tests. By setting your assignment category and choosing a template, you’ll be able to have predetermined settings you can apply to any new test or quiz you create.
  2. Create Your Test and Questions.
  3. Customize Your Test Settings.
  4. Configure Assignment/Testing Restrictions.

How do I get WebAssign LockDown browser?

Install LockDown Browser

  1. Download the LockDown Browser installation file. Windows® macOS™
  2. macOS only: Double-click the downloaded zip archive to extract the LockDown Browser installation file.
  3. Run the LockDown Browser installation file and follow the instructions.

How can I make my online test secure?

  1. Online Examination Trends. Importance of Security during Online Exam. Some of the techniques to make Online Exam Secure.
  2. #1. Secure Browser. #2. Remote Proctoring. Image Capturing : Video Streaming: #3. Data Encryption. #4. Audit Logging. #5. IP based Authentication & Authorization. Comments.

Can tophat detect cheating?

Top Hat Test combats the problem. It allows professors in traditional classroom environments to create digital tests that students can take on their own devices. These tests monitor student behavior, locking them out if they stray from the test, thus reducing the risk of cheating.