
How much does it cost to move a telephone pole?

How much does it cost to move a telephone pole?

Most Pepco poles cost between $2,000 and $60,000 to move, including restringing power lines and moving adjacent poles, said Pepco spokesman Bob Hainey, though some cost more.

How much does a light pole weigh?

The volume of that pole is 30 * pi * 0.5^2, so 24 cubic feet. The density of pine is ~30 lbs per cubic foot, so this hypothetical pole weighs 30 * 24 = 720 pounds. If you need something more specific, call up your power company and ask them.

How much does a metal utility pole weigh?

The average steel distribution pole (40 foot, Class 4) weighs approximately 450 pounds, and is at least 30 percent lighter than a wood pole.

How much does a wooden utility pole cost?

Cost: From $350 to $1,800. That’s just the pole. Add in labor and equipment costs, and it can cost as much as $3,000 to replace a pole that has been knocked down by, say, a storm or a car.

How much of a telephone pole is underground?

Utility poles are buried according to a particular formula — 10 percent of the pole’s height plus two feet equals the appropriate depth of burial. A standard utility pole measures 40 feet, so a standard hole will go about 6 feet down into the ground.

How deep should a 20 foot post be in the ground?

In general, holes should be at least 3 feet deep for posts that extend 8 feet or more above ground level. Posts that extend 6 feet above ground level should have holes at least 2 1/2 feet deep.

How do you lift a heavy pole?

lift pole with jack, bring second jack as far down on the pole as possible and start lifting, repeat. The guide wires will keep the pole from moving left or right once it’s high enough you can no longer reach it.

How deep should a 12 foot post be in the ground?

Dig post hole so diameter of the hole is 3 times the width of the post (i.e., the hole for a 4” wood post should be about 12 inches wide). The depth of the hole should be 1/3-1/2 the post height above ground (i.e., a 6-foot tall fence would require a hole depth of at least 2 feet).

How much does a pressure-treated 6×6 weigh?

Weight of Pressure-Treated Lumber

Weight of Pressure-Treated Lumber (Made with Southern Yellow Pine, Longleaf Variety)
6 x 6 5.5 x 5.5 15.33
6 x 8 5.5 x 7.25 20.20
6 x 10 5.5 x 9.25 25.77
6 x 12 5.5 x 11.25 31.36

How long do wooden posts last?

While treated timber posts can last from anywhere between 10-15 years, untreated timber may need replacing in under 5 years. What’s more, rotting, splitting and warping (where the post expands upon water absorption) are all very common occurrences for wooden fence post systems.

Will buried wood rot?

Wood kept constantly dry, continuously submerged in the water or mud, or buried deep underground does not decay. Dry wood, such as that in household furniture, contains too little moisture to permit the growth of fungi. supply and thus make it damp enough to decay.

How fast does wood rot in water?

It is recorded in laboratory culture experiments that spores can germinate between 7-10 days following suitable wetting; this may take longer if the spores are older. However, it appears that in practice under field conditions it often takes some considerable time before rot becomes noticeable.

Is wet rot covered by insurance?

Although not as serious as dry rot, wet rot has the potential to cause serious structural damage to your home if left untreated. Most contents insurance policies will not cover you against outbreaks of wet rot and dry rot.

What happens if pressure treated wood gets wet?

Recently, pressure treated lumber will have a high moisture content and may take several weeks to dry. Staining pressure-treated wood is ineffective if the wood is still wet. “Wet-treated wood” still contains significant moisture when purchased and may take longer to dry than other types of pressure treated wood.