
How many ways can you spell Becky?

How many ways can you spell Becky?

So the earlier western spelling is “Rebecca”, but both spellings (Rebecca and Rebekah) are used in the influential King James Version. Both are current in the English-speaking world now.

What is the meaning of the name Becky?

Hebrew Baby Names Meaning: In Hebrew Baby Names the meaning of the name Becky is: An abbreviation of Rebecca, meaning captivated, or captivating, frequently used as an independent name. Famous bearer: Fictional character Becky Sharp, the unethical heroine of Thackeray’s 1948 novel Vanity Fair.

Is Becky a female name?

The name Becky is a girl’s name.

What does cous mean?

how’s it going

What’s slang for cousin?

Cousin, as a slang, is used as a term of endearment to show a close bonded relationship or familiarity (more than acquaintance, usually someone you have known for a while). The word is shortened to “cuzz”. Slang of cousin is ” Cuz ” by shortening and alteration.

Is cous a word?

No, cous is not in the scrabble dictionary.

Is cuz short for cousin?

The abbreviation CUZ is a contraction used with the meanings “Cousin” and “Because”.

Does cous mean cousin?

There is one common abbreviation of cousin: cous.

Is coz a legal Scrabble word?

Yes, coz is in the scrabble dictionary.

Is Cause informal?

‘Cause (or ‘cos) is a slang contraction of because. You should avoid using it except in casual conversation.

Is because a real word?

For example, the American Heritage Dictionary, whose entry is representative, reports that because is a conjunction, but also that there is a word spelled because of that is a preposition. Traditional grammar recognizes that conjunctions come in two varieties: subordinating conjunctions and coordinating conjunctions.

Is cause the same as Because?

What’s the difference between because and cause? “cause” is a noun and a verb. “Because” is a connector word, followed by a verb or a verb phrase: “I did it because she told me to.” Sometimes “because” is abbreviated to “’cause” in informal or careless speech: “I did it ’cause she told me to.”

What is the short form of because?

Cos, a short form of because, is pronounced /kəz/ or /kɒz/ and can also be spelt ’cause. It can be used instead of because (and cos of instead of because of).