
How many seconds does it take to travel a mile at 70 mph?

How many seconds does it take to travel a mile at 70 mph?


How fast is a mile in 3 seconds?

1 Mile per Hour: A distance of one international mile or 1 760 international yards or exactly 1609.344 meters travelled in one hour or exactly 3 600 seconds….Please share if you found this tool useful:

Conversions Table
3 Miles Per Second to Miles Per Hour = 10800 90 Miles Per Second to Miles Per Hour = 324000

What would happen if the moon was hit by an asteroid?

The Moon is very big, and any small object hitting it would have very little effect on its motion around the Earth, because the Moon’s own momentum would overwhelm that of the impact. Most asteroid collisions would result in large craters and little else; even the largest asteroid known, Ceres, wouldn’t budge the Moon.

Does the face of the moon rotate?

“The moon keeps the same face pointing towards the Earth because its rate of spin is tidally locked so that it is synchronized with its rate of revolution (the time needed to complete one orbit). In other words, the moon rotates exactly once every time it circles the Earth….

Can we hear any sound on the moon?

No, we cannot hear each other on the moon’s surface because sound requires medium for transmission. It cannot travel through vacuum.

What would you hear on the moon?

You cannot hear any sound on moon. “Sound” is actually vibrations in the air or let’s just say a medium. Sound can travel in the atmosphere of the moon, which is space, because the gases in it can propagate sound just like the air on earth transmits it, but we certainly cannot hear it.

Why can we not hear sound in space?

Unlike light, sound requires a medium to travel through. This simply means that in order to hear sound there has to be something for sound to travel through. In the vacuum of space, there are no (or very, very few) particles to vibrate, so sound cannot travel through this medium.