
How far is Boca Raton from Miami?

How far is Boca Raton from Miami?

66 kilometers

How much is uber from Miami to Boca Raton?

Total Fare: ~ 141.98 $ Distance between Miami and Boca Raton is approx. 46.95 miles (75.57 km) with 61 min travel time. This Uber estimate from Miami to Boca Raton was updated 27 days ago.

How far is Boca Raton from Disney?

192 miles

How far is Boca Raton from Fort Myers?

110 miles

How far is Boca Raton from Naples?

Distance between Naples and Boca Raton is 172 kilometers (107 miles). Driving distance from Naples to Boca Raton is 199 kilometers (124 miles).

How do I get from Miami to Boca Raton?

You can take a train from Miami to Boca Raton Station via Tri-Rail Station Rail Northbound and MetroRail Transfer Station in around 1h 56m. Alternatively, you can take a bus from Miami to Boca Raton Station via Airport Station and Miami in around 3h 14m.

How do I get from Fort Lauderdale Airport to Boca Raton?

There is no direct connection from Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport (FLL) to Boca Raton Station. However, you can take the bus to Fort Lauderdale Airport Station, take the walk to Fort Lauderdale Airport Station, then take the train to Boca Raton Station.

How much is uber from FLL to Mia?

Fort Lauderdale to Miami Uber & Lyft Prices Ride sharing apps are cheaper and more convenient than traditional cabs and can take you from Fort Lauderdale to Miami or any other Florida destination. The average cost of a ride from Fort Lauderdale Airport to Miami is $40-$54 dollars on Uber & $40-$45 dollars on Lyft.

How much is a taxi from Miami Airport to Fort Lauderdale?

The journey is metered, but taxi fares between the two airports range from $60–$75.

What is the cheapest way to get from Fort Lauderdale to Miami?

The best and cheapest would be Tri-rail which is about $4.00 to Miami Airport. Followed by Uber being 2nd cheapest from Fort Lauderdale to Miami being around $30-$35 dollars. From Fort Lauderdale airport you can take the Tri-Rail shuttle at Terminal 1.

Is it cheaper to fly into Fort Lauderdale or Miami?

It may be cheaper to fly into Fort Lauderdale (FLL), but it should be noted that it can cost quite a bit more and take much longer to travel between the airport and Miami Beach. There is a free shuttle from the terminals to the Tri-Rail station and a one-way ticket to Miami costs $3.75 per person.

How far is Siesta Keys from Fort Lauderdale?

169 miles

Is there a train from Miami to Fort Lauderdale?

Amtrak Silver Service is the one and only train line which connects Miami, Florida to Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

Is there a water taxi from Fort Lauderdale to Miami?

There are a variety of routes that the Intracoastal Waterway Fort Lauderdale Water Taxi takes. You can even take the water taxi from Fort Lauderdale to Miami for a fun day trip or nightlife adventure.

How far is South Beach from Fort Lauderdale?

37 miles

How far is Dania Beach from Miami?

18 miles

Is Dania Beach nice?

Dania Beach is a nice place for the most part. There is lots of things to do around with friends and family on any giving day, which is very convenient. They are building new stores and restaurants for people to enjoy and it really bring the community together. Small town feel with a lot of city personality.

How far is Dania Beach from Hollywood Florida?

3 miles

Does Dania Beach have a boardwalk?

Classic boardwalk spot right on Dania beach. Huge bar in the back and lots of tables in the front.

What is Dania Beach known for?

With its award-winning “Blue Wave Beaches,” nature activities and proximity to Fort Lauderdale and Hollywood, Dania Beach is an appealing vacation spot. It’s also the home of the world-famous Dania Jai Alai in the center of the city’s dining and entertainment district.

Is Dania Beach Safe?

With a crime rate of 38 per one thousand residents, Dania Beach has one of the highest crime rates in America compared to all communities of all sizes – from the smallest towns to the very largest cities. One’s chance of becoming a victim of either violent or property crime here is one in 26.

How far is Dania Beach from Fort Lauderdale?

5.5 miles