How do you use the word effort in a sentence?

How do you use the word effort in a sentence?

Examples of effort in a Sentence We need to expend more effort. The job will require a great deal of time and effort. Our success is due to the combined efforts of many people. Her efforts were rewarded with a new contract.

How do you use best effort in a sentence?

best efforts in a sentence

  1. I showed up ready to play and gave it my best effort.
  2. Their best effort that day lasted 59 seconds and covered 852 feet.
  3. But we made the best effort we could of a sad situation.
  4. You want to put out your best effort when you get there.
  5. It was his best effort in the last five years or so.

What is the meaning of best effort?

“Best efforts” means taking, in good faith, all reasonable steps to achieve the objective, carrying the process to its logical conclusion and leaving no stone unturned. “Best efforts” includes doing everything known to be usual, necessary and proper for ensuring the success of the endeavour.

What does reasonable mean legally?

Just, rational, appropriate, ordinary

What is the good faith effort law?

n. honest intent to act without taking an unfair advantage over another person or to fulfill a promise to act, even when some legal technicality is not fulfilled. The term is applied to all kinds of transactions.

What is a best-effort agreement?

The term best efforts refers to an agreement made by a service provider to do whatever it takes to fulfill the requirements of a contract. In finance, an underwriter makes a best efforts or good faith promise to the issuer to sell as much of their securities offering as possible.

What is the difference between an investment banker providing an underwriting function and a best efforts offering?

With an underwriting, the investment banker guarantees the selling firm that he will purchase the securities at a fixed price for resale. Under a “best efforts” offering, the issuing firm assumes the risk and simply takes back any securities not sold after a fixed period of time.

How is best-effort different from private placement?

Best-efforts private placements offer other benefits to companies and their investors as well. One is that under a best-efforts private placement, underwriters only receive a flat fee, meaning companies have a chance to receive a higher return on their securities.

What is a firm commitment underwriting?

In a firm commitment underwriting, the underwriter guarantees to purchase all the securities offered for sale by the issuer regardless of whether they can sell them to investors. In a firm commitment, the underwriter puts its own money at risk if it can’t sell the securities to investors.

What is the most common form of underwriting?

The following types of underwriting contracts are most common:

  • In the firm commitment contract the underwriter guarantees the sale of the issued stock at the agreed-upon price.
  • In the best efforts contract the underwriter agrees to sell as many shares as possible at the agreed-upon price.

What do you mean by firm underwriting?

2) Firm underwriting – where an underwriter agrees to buy a certain number of shares/debentures in addition to the shares he has to take under the underwriting agreement. Even if the issue is oversubscribed, underwriters are responsible to take up the agreed number of shares in case of firm underwriting.

What does underwriting a deal mean?

Underwriting is the process through which an individual or institution takes on financial risk for a fee. Underwriting helps to set fair borrowing rates for loans, establish appropriate premiums, and create a market for securities by accurately pricing investment risk.

Why would an underwriter deny a loan?

Your loan is never fully approved until the underwriter confirms that you are able to pay back the loan. Some of these problems that might arise and have your underwriting denied are insufficient cash reserves, a low credit score, or high debt ratios.