
How do you use including but not limited to?

How do you use including but not limited to?

There are many activities, including, but not limited to, running, jumping, and swimming. There are many activities, including but not limited to, running, jumping, and swimming. There are many activities including but not limited to running, jumping, and swimming.

How do you say list is not completed?

10 Answers. If you want to simply state the list is incomplete, you can say a “partial list”; if you want to emphasize the list is intentionally not exhaustive, you can say a “selective list”.

What’s another word for not finished?

What is another word for not finished?

incomplete partial
unaccomplished undone
unexecuted unperformed
not completed not concluded
partially complete partially finished

What is difference between complete and completed?

Complete is a state of being; there is nothing that can be added or changed. Whereas completed is an act of completion – the task that was set has now been fulfilled. For example “The Bible is complete and has been completed”.

What complete means?

adjective. having all parts or elements; lacking nothing; whole; entire; full: a complete set of Mark Twain’s writings. finished; ended; concluded: a complete orbit. having all the required or customary characteristics, skills, or the like; consummate; perfect in kind or quality: a complete scholar.

What is a complete change?

C1. a complete change in the appearance or character of something or someone, especially so that that thing or person is improved: Local people have mixed feelings about the planned transformation of their town into a regional capital.

What is the root word of Complete?

late 14c., “having no deficiency, wanting no part or element; perfect in kind or quality; finished, ended, concluded,” from Old French complet “full,” or directly from Latin completus, past participle of complere “to fill up, complete the number of (a legion, etc.),” transferred to “fulfill, finish (a task),” from com- …