How do you turn on stats for nerds on YouTube PC?

How do you turn on stats for nerds on YouTube PC?

For Android users: Select a video to watch, and tap the three stacked dots menu. Tap Stats for nerds. The stats will appear in the middle of the screen. The box can be moved anywhere on the screen.

What is state of nerds in YouTube?

‘Stats for nerds’ include stats for features like: Connection Speed. It is the speed your browser is currently accessing the YouTube servers at to download the video you are watching… Buffer Health. Shows how much of the video is currently buffered on your computer/ device….

What is debug data on YouTube?

If you let YouTube know that you’re having problems playing videos, we may ask for your debug information or “Stats for nerds.” This information helps us troubleshoot your issue. Video ID (link to the video being played) CPN (a mostly-unique random identifier for the current playback)

What are the four steps of debugging?

The basic steps in debugging are:

  • Recognize that a bug exists.
  • Isolate the source of the bug.
  • Identify the cause of the bug.
  • Determine a fix for the bug.
  • Apply the fix and test it.

What are the 4 steps to debugging?

  1. Identify. Identify is the first step in the debugging, it means discover what is the bug and why it happen.
  2. Isolate. Isolate is a step to separate the buggy code with other healthy code; I usually make an Unit Test referencing that part of code and then reproduce the bug using that unit test;
  3. Fix.
  4. Review.
  5. Conclusion.

What are the 7 debug steps?

7 Steps to Debug Efficiently and Effectively

  1. 1) Always Reproduce the Bug Before You Start Changing Code.
  2. 2) Understand Stack Traces.
  3. 3) Write a Test Case that Reproduces the Bug.
  4. 4) Know Your Error Codes.
  5. 5) Google! Bing! Duck! Duck! Go!
  6. 6) Pair Program Your Way Out of It.
  7. 7) Celebrate Your Fix.

How do you debug step by step?

Set a breakpoint and start the debugger

  1. To debug, you need to start your app with the debugger attached to the app process.
  2. Press F5 (Debug > Start Debugging) or the Start Debugging button.
  3. To start your app with the debugger attached, press F11 (Debug > Step Into).

What does F5 does during debugging?

1.5. Controlling the program execution

Key Description
F5 Executes the currently selected line and goes to the next line in your program. If the selected line is a method call the debugger steps into the associated code.
F6 F6 steps over the call, i.e. it executes a method without stepping into it in the debugger.

What is step out in debugging?

Click Step Out on the Debug menu to resume running on the target. This command executes the rest of the current function and breaks when the function return is completed. This command is equivalent to pressing SHIFT+F11 or clicking the Step out (Shift+F11) button ( ) on the toolbar.

What does step return do in Eclipse?

This “Step Return” button will cause execution to complete whatever the method the current line of code is located in. Execution will suspend at the next line of code after the current method’s call, i.e. the next line of code in the next outer level in the call stack.

What is the shortcut to stop debugging?

The shortcut key that stops debugging (SHIFT+F5) stops the execution at the current position.

What is step over and step into in debugging?

If you use Step Into on a line of code like Func1(Func2()) , the debugger steps into the function Func2 . If the current line doesn’t contain a function call, Step Into runs the code then suspends execution at the next line of code. Step Over. Runs the next statement without stepping into functions or methods.

What step out means?

intransitive verb. 1 : to go away from a place usually for a short distance and for a short time. 2 : to go or march at a vigorous or increased pace.

What does step over mean?

(idiomatic) To carefully move making sure you don’t step onto someone or something.

Is it bad to step over someone?

You shouldn’t step over a person—for instance, if they are sitting on the floor and you walk by—because that person will stop growing. (This is a Russian thing.) You shouldn’t name a child after someone in your family that is still alive.

How do you do a sit to stand exercise?

Sit to Stands Place both feet on the floor shoulder width apart, knees bent to 90 degrees. Cross your arms and slowly rise to a standing position, ensuring that your knees never cross the frontal plain of your toes. Once standing, gradually sit back down in a controlled movement. Repeat as necessary.

How do you do a box step up?

To perform the step-up, place one foot on top of the box, with one foot on the ground. Your weight should be shifted into the heel of your foot that is on the box. Driving through that front heel, extend your leg completely straight before bringing the opposite foot onto the box.

What are step overs in soccer?

The step over (also known as the pedalada, the denílson, or the scissors, or the roeder shuffle) is a dribbling move, or feint, in football, used to fool a defensive player into thinking the offensive player, in possession of the ball, is going to move in a direction they do not intend to move in.

Who invented dribbling in football?

Geoffrey Chaucer

Who invented the rainbow flick?

Alexandre de Carvalho